Chapter 9

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The hotel we're staying in, wasn't what I was expecting.

Really... It isn't a hotel at all.

It really is just a patch of wooden made houses like a camping site all scattered like some kind of neighborhood.

The driver stops at one where a lighted lantern hangs silently, swaying in the wind.

"Here we are," he mumbles as he opens the car door.

I stare out towards the house. It seems so old, yet slightly amazing. Old beat up stairs lead to a small porch where chairs are set.

I slowly open my door, climbing out as the driver grabs our bags.

"If you feel the need to travel anywhere, go ahead and talk to me."

My mother nods, silently taking her bag. I glance up at the house yet again, staring at the red glow.

At this point in time, I wonder if it's haunted, filled with bugs and no bathroom but an outhouse. But I know I will live. At least we aren't on the streets.

I grab my bag and feel a set of eyes on me yet again. I slowly look towards the forest again, but the person isn't there anymore. Can it be somewhere else? Staring at me silently? Or is it the person at all?

I look towards the other houses as my mother and I walk up the steps. The driver closes his door, and off he goes.

The neighborhood is now silent. Awkward even.

"Okay, I know this seems bad. But everything will get better eventually," my mother whispers as she tries to unlock the door.

"I know..." I respond lightly, glancing over at the next house down over on the left.

And there it is.

She is.

The eyes that I feel are from her. Our next door neighbor, who's sitting on the porch, eyes on me.

I shiver lightly, looking back at the door as my mother gets it open.

"Alright Red, go choose your room."

I quickly pass her, trying to shake off the weird feeling as I run upstairs.

I choose the closest door on the floor and kick it open.

I stop in my tracks and I stare into the barren, red room. My heart's speeding and I take a deep breath, looking across my new bedroom.

A small twin sized bed lays in the top left corner with a silk hand made blanket over it.

Dressers lay on the right side, and a bedside table holds a cute red lamp and the final things are a short little closet and a desk.

I set my suitcase down lightly, walking over to the silk blanket.

I slowly pick it up and find it softer then I thought it was.

But my vision flickers. A white shot of light hits my eyes and I gasp.

And vision pops up. It shows a girl, and old lady right in front of me.

"Don't go to the forest. Leave now. Don't go to the forest," she keeps saying and I freeze, unable to move.

The vision continues, showing a different lady. An older lady with a crazed look in her eyes.

"Give me my things Red. I need you."

Then the monster.

"Come to the forest. Your grandmother is trouble. And so are you."

My vision goes black.
"Red! Red! Red wake up!"

I my eyes shoot open at the sound of someone's voice. My mother stands above me, her eyes wide and nervousness clouding her face.

"Red, are you alright?!"

I slowly sit up, finding myself on the floor with the silk blanket right next to me.

I rub my forehead.

"How long was I out?"

"Five minutes. I was about to call the ambulance... If they have one."

I glance up at her and she tilts her head.

"What happened? Are you sure your alright?"

I nod slowly, getting up and trying to stand.

"Take it easy please."

I shake my head lightly, sighing.

"I'm fine... I just need some rest," I say and my mother nods.

"Of course."

She gets up, lightly kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight..." She mumbles, quickly walking out the door and I stare at where she last was.

She walked out rather quickly, and all of a sudden I feel right. But not too right. I feel like time is waiting for me to make a decision... One I don't want to make just yet.

Once it's closed, I race to the window which is hanging on the back wall. I look out towards the forest, finding no one.

I slowly glance towards the neighbor, seeing her standing calmly in the window of her bedroom. She looks just like the lady in my dream. Warning me.

She knows something.

I can feel it.

She knows something about the forest that I don't.

And I need to find out.

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now