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She walked through the crowded hallway following the man who had just walked out of the courtroom doorway. He had just been found innocent of the crimes he was guilty for. The man turned his head towards one of the many reporters who followed him down the crowded hallway asking him questions about how he felt.

She watched as the guilty man smiled at the reporter and told him that he wasn't worried about the verdict, he knew that they would find him innocent. Of course he did, because he had paid them off. Disgusted at the slim ball, she increased her pace to catch up to the man, deciding not to wait until he was alone, but to take care of him now.

The man stopped walking when a female reporter stood in front of him blocking his path. Perfect, she thought, ducking under one of the reporter's arms she pushed her way closer, she was almost too him. So close she could see the man's back, as well as his right arm, where a gold watch sat on his wrist. Seeing it she smiled. Pretending to be pushed from behind she rammed into his back, reaching her left hand forward she scratched his hand. He snatched his hand away and turned to glare at her. She smiled innocently at him, watching as the rage in his eyes lessened at her smile, changing to confusion.

She desperately wanted to taunt him, make him fear what was going to happen to him but restrained herself. Instead she turned away from him, and started pushing her way back through the cluster of people around them. Mission complete, she thought with a smile. Once she managed to break from the group she started to countdown in her head. Five, four, three, two, one.

A women's screen echoed, followed by the sound of people panicking. He widened when a man screamed "Somebody call and ambulance" it wouldn't help, no doctor could cure him, and they only had twenty four hours until he died.

Another job well done. Her maker will be happy to know that she had completed her assignment. She reached the doorway that would take her outside. stopping she listened for a moment longer at the screams and shouts still continuing behind her, Slipping her sunglasses on her face she walked out of the building.


Wow it has been a long time since I have posted on here. I had a couple of ideas for stories that I thought I might start writing. I hope you like the start of this one. I will post more as I write them. I hope you are all doing great!


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