Chapter Nine

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Venom woke with a splitting headache, she scurried out of her room to the bathroom. She had just knelt over the toilet when her stomach revolted and spilt all its contents, which wasn't much.

'Are you alright in there, Venom.' She heard Mist soft voice ask on the other side of the door.

She groaned, her stomach ached. 'Yeah.' she croaked. 'I will be out in a minute.' She stood from the bowl and shuffled to the sink, to brush her teeth.

When she emerged from the bathroom she found Mist was still standing there. 'Here, I got you a glass of juice.' She said holding out the glass to Venom.

'Thanks.' She said taking it from her. 'What happened?' she asked holding a hand up to her temple.

'You don't remember?'

Venom thought back to the night before, she remembered going to the strip club. Those two guys feeling her up, the bar. Than everything was fuzzy. She shook her head, regretting the movement as soon as she did it. Her head was killing her. 'I remember bits and pieces. Did Shadow show up?'

Mist nodded her head. 'He said you were drunk, that he found you in the parking lot.' She dropped her voice and whispered. 'He said there was a man with you, that he thinks....' She drifted off.

Venom took a step towards her. 'He thinks what?'

Mist voice grew quitter. 'He thinks he was trying to kill you.'

Venom tried to remember, everything was so hazy. She shook her head. 'I don't remember.'

'Shadow is in the kitchen making breakfast, he can tell you what happened.'

They walked down the hall into the living room, and into the kitchen. Shadow stood over the stove frying something, the smell made Venom want to throw up again. He turned as they entered the room, Shadow scanning Venom from head to toe. She looked down at herself and saw she was in a pair of track pants and shirt. She didn't remember changing out of her clothes, and really hoped Shadow wasn't the one to do it. He turned back to the stove, as Venom and Mist sat at the small table. 'I don't think you should go to school today.' Mist said

Venom didn't feel all that good, but that could be fixed. 'Where is May?'

'Down in the basement.'

A place they were not allowed to go. 'I might see if she can do one of her spells on me, to make me feel normal again.'

Mist bit her lip. 'Do you think that's a good idea? She might do something else to you. We don't know her very well.'

Unfortunately, that was true, Venom hated witches and their spells. May could as easily make Venom feel worse instead of better. Maker wasn't here to keep the women in line. But it was only the second day of school and Venom had a lot of work to do. 'I could just scratch her, and tell her I will give her the antidote when she makes me better.' She said only half joking.

Mist shrugged. 'It's up to you.'

Venom opened her mouth to tell Mist she was only joking, when Shadow joined them at the table. He placed a plate in front of Venom, and Mist. It had sausages, bacon, and eggs. 'Eat, it will make you feel better.'

Venom watched as he walked back over to the counter and grabbed another plate before coming back and sitting down. 'What happened last night? Everything is a little blurry.'

Shadow looked at Mist before saying. 'I think last night was a set up.'

Venom frowned sitting forward in her seat, 'What do you mean?'

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