Chapter One

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Life can be lonely when the only reason you existed is to kill. Her life here on earth didn't start out like most human beings did. She was not born, she was created. She didn't have a mother and a father who raised her from a baby. She had doctors, witches and labs that created her. 

After the doctors had finished their experiments on her she was moved to a facility where she was taught what she was needed to know about the outside world. The bare minimum she needed to help her do her job.

They told her they experimented on her by using magic and science. That she was a work of art, one that they have not yet been able to recreate. She was special, and that she was there's.

She was in her seventeenth year, and had been working in the field since she was ten. Her age didn't really matter, she wasn't created to be a skilled fighter. She was the weapon to be wielded, and even though she was only 5'2 she was the most lethal person alive. If you were to look at her, you would think she was a sweet harmless girl. If you were to look closely, you would see that her nails that looked to be painted blue, were not painted. She wore no polish the colour on her nails were actually that colour from the venom that they held. Venom that could instantly paralyse a person from a single scratch, if that scratch were to break the skin. The venom would inject itself from the nail into the person's body. A venom so powerful that if not given the antidote would kill a person within twenty four hours.

She didn't have to worry over poisoning herself, her body being immune to the venom, she does however also carry the antidote to the venom. Her saliva. As soon as her saliva is ingested by the person it immediately starts working on the body. Removing the poison, and undoing the damage it had done.

She lived at a compound with eleven others who were created at the same time as she was. Each of the twelve, a name their group had been given at an early age have their own special talents. She didn't get along with all of them, in fact only a few were people she would consider a friend. The rest were not enemies exactly, but they weren't to be trusted. So she tried to avoid them as best she could. They were the only family she had.

Others lived there with them, the man who controlled them, sent them on their assignments disciplined them when they failed or did something to displease him. None of the twelve knew his real name. In all the years that he controlled them the only name he had even been called by was Maker. Venom worshiped the ground he walked on, so did the others. They were always in constant competition trying to outdo each other to gain his favour. A task that was not easy to do.

There were also doctors, and the occasional witch that showed up to review each of their gifts. A few servants, who cooked and cleaned but rarely spoke to them, and then there were the trainers who helped Maker with schooling them on their assignments and training each of them with their gifts. The older they got, the less training they needed. They spent most of their times now working on assignments. Most of the time they had more than one so they were always kept busy.

After weeks of scouting and researching setting everything up that needed to be done Venom was almost to the end of her current assignment. She stood outside of Brighten Academy. A School for the brats of the rich and famous. Well that is what her maker called it. Judging by the golden plank lettering above the building main entrance it was in fact a school for those with money.

Looking at the large brick building she found it difficult to see the difference between this schools and last that she had been sent on mission too.

Maker had told me that there wouldn't be much difference that it's not what the school looks like but the name of it that makes it important. Tilting her head to the side as she scanned over the school she couldn't help but feel confuse. How does a name make a place more important than others? This was something that in order to understand she would have to live the life of the rich, or maybe just the life of a normal teenager. Since that was not the case for her she would probably never understand. She shook her head not caring either way. She had a job to do. She started walking towards the main entrance, scanning the surrounding as she walked. No students stood out front on the steps gossiping as they did at other schools she had been too. A girl wearing the same pleated skirt and white button up blouse as she was quickly ran up the steps to the building entrance. She wonder if this is normal behaviour for the students at this school and if she should mimic the girls' movements. She had yet to see another student enter the building so was undecided about which action is better to take. Thinking it is better to stick to what was normal for other schools she had been too she kept walking at her usual slow pace eventually making her way to the front door.

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