Chapter Twelve

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Venom had somehow managed to call Jack the night before, despite feeling like she had just been cooked alive. She organised a ride with him to school. They didn't speak for long, she told him she was tired and needed to get some sleep. Which wasn't a lie. She didn't call Wizard, was she was too exhausted, instead she turned off her bedroom light, and crawled into bed. She fell asleep within seconds of her head hitting the pillow.

Jack arrived early the next morning. Exactly the time he said he would be there. He didn't get out of his car and come to the house. Instead he stayed sitting in the car, honking the horn to let them know he was there. The carried was awkward, Mist sat in the back staring out of the window. Jack kept sneaking glances at venom, and then would look at Mist using the revision mirror. No-one talked. Venom wondered if she should have tried to engage them in conversation. But couldn't think of anything to say so early in the morning.

Finally, they pulled into the school parking lot. Mist climbed out of the car, without a word, walking at a brisk pace towards the school building. Jack got out of the car the same time as Venom did. He looked across the roof of the car at her. Rubbing his neck, he said. 'That was a little awkward.'

'Yeah, sorry about that.'

He waved a hand, as he closed his car door. 'No it's fine. I knew she was uncomfortable, and didn't want to say something to make her feel worse.'

Venom closed her car door and started walking around the car to meet him, he met her half-way. 'I'm sorry, I guess catching a ride with you, and my sister wasn't such a good idea.' She said as they started walking through the parking lot towards the school building.

'Nah, it was get easier once she gets to know me a little better.' Venom stopped walking and stared at him. He stopped also, and looked at her. 'What?' He asked

'You're pretty amazing you know that?'

He smiled boyishly. 'Ah, no I didn't. But thanks for telling me.' They both stood there staring at each other, Jack's smile slipped slightly as he leaned in towards her, he lowered his head and pressed his lips onto her mouth. He pulled back to look her in the eyes. 'I think you are pretty amazing.' He said before lowering his head and kissing her again.

If Venom didn't count all the times she had to kiss someone to give them the antidote to her Venom. This was her first kiss, her first real kiss that didn't involve her saving the person's life. He hearts beat quickened as Jack deepened the kiss slipping his tongue inside her mouth. His lips were soft, like a fluffy marshmallow. His tongue tasted of his mint toothpaste he used that morning. She kissed him back with just as much passion as him, placing her hands on his hips she pulled him in closer.

'What the hell!' She heard a female say from beside them.

They pulled back from each other breaking the kiss, to find a short girl who looked to be their age glaring at Venom, and looking extremely pissed. 'Patricia.' Jack said, sounding surprised. 'You're back, it's ah good to see you're feeling better.'

'Yeah.' She said crossing her arms over her chest. 'You look it. Who's she?' She said nodding her head in Venom's direction.

Jack looked at Venom. 'This is Trudy, she is new to town,'

'Obviously not new enough, you seemed to know her well.'

Jacks cheeks turned a light pink, he looked away from Patricia and looked at Venom. 'We should probably head inside.'

Venom looked from Jack to Patricia, she was worried about this girl returning to school. Fearing she would come between her and Jack, and ruining her chances at completing her mission. She saw now that she was right to be concerned. This girl was going to be a problem. Venom just hoped that she had laid enough groundwork on Jack, that Patricia's games that she will play won't affect her and Jack. Patricia's eyes narrow at Venom, yeah this girl was definitely going to try and come between her and Jack. Venom reached out and took Jack's hand in hers, he smiled softly down at her giving her hand a gentle squeeze. 'See you later Patricia.' Jack said as they began walking away from the angry girl.

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