Chapter Seventeen

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'Are you sure this is the right thing to do?' Lights flashed in Venom's eyes. Bright lights, then darkness. She heard people talking. Someone was fighting. It sounded like Jack, then darkness again.

Venom woke, she tried to move her arms, they were on her pillow above her head. When she tried moving them, she found that she couldn't. She could hear clinking of metal, on metal. She moved her head, looking at her hand. She was handcuffed to the bed. Her mind was a little groggy, so it took her a moment to remember where she was. At Mr Summerland's medical facility. Just great. Her plan to use to this opportunity seemed to crumble when she looked at the handcuffs. The was no was no way she could scratch him while her hands were handcuffed to the bed.

She took in the room, and felt a shiver run down her back. There was a stainless steel trolley, not far from where she laid. She could just make out the end of a syringe hanging partially over the edge. She really hoped they weren't planning on drugging her again. She was beginning to get really tired of being drugged. She had lived so long having a resistance to all drugs, that she wasn't use to the way they made her feel. She didn't like it, and she didn't want to feel that way again.

She heard a click, and the only door in the room opened, and there standing before her was one Mr Summerland. The man that no one could find. If her hands were free, she would have jumped out of bed, and scratched him. She might die here, but at least she would die completing her mission. He walked over to the bed, staring down at her. 'Venom.' He said. 'As you already know I am Mr Summerland.' He turned from her, walking over to the corner of the room where a stool sat. Lifting it he carried it across the room, and sat it beside the bed. He sat on the stool, still staring at her. 'James has told me so much about you.'

Venom frowned in confusion. How did he know James? Is this the person responsible for his disappearance? 'What do you know about James?' She asked. She tried pulling her hands down, wanting them free so she could scratch him. 'If you have don't something to him, I will hurt you so bad that you will pray for death.'

He laughed. 'My dear girl, I haven't done anything to James. Why would I hurt someone who worked for me?'

'What are you talking about? She asked confused.

He smirked at her. 'James is a double agent. He was spying on your maker for me.'

She felt shocked by his words, then anger. How dare he. 'You're lying. James is my friend; I think I would know if he was a spy.'

'Maybe he was only pretending to be your friend?'

She tried to use her whole body to pull her arms out of the handcuffs. 'Shut up, stop lying, and tell me what you want?'

Mr Summerland picked up the syringe off the tray. 'No Venom, if you can't calm yourself I will be forced to inject you again.' She stopped her struggle, not because his threat scared her, but because it wasn't doing any good. 'Good.' He sat the syringe back on the tray. 'Now, as I was saying. James was working for me. He was collecting data, and sending it to me.'

Venom decided to play along. She didn't know if she believed him or not. She couldn't see James partying her. But maybe she didn't really know him. 'Why was he helping you?'

He smiled. 'Because he wanted out of the organisation, and he knew he could never just leave. That he would be hunted down, and killed if he did.'

'Are you the reason why he is missing? Have you hidden him somewhere?'

He looked down at the ground, shaking his head. 'No, I suspect he was caught by Maker.'

'No, he doesn't know where he is.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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