Chapter Thirteen

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Lunch with Jack was nice, it was great to get him away from all his friends and have him all to herself, it was also harder. One on one time meant that he had questions about her life before moving to Brighten. She lied of course, telling him about some great life where she had parents who loved her, lots of friends, and volunteered at a homeless shelter. The is thought she kind of wished her made up life was real. She never had a mother or father, her only friend was James, and the only good dead she ever did was by removing scum from the earth by scratching them.

Jack told her more about his life, growing up without his dad around. How he sometimes hated his father for never being there. How he wished not only for his sake but for his mother's that his father would stop going away, and stay with them. He confided how he sometimes felt like he wasn't a good enough son to his father, which was why he was never home. She had to stop him there, telling him that she didn't think it had anything to do with him. That he was great just the way he is. She thought she went too far when she told him that it sounded like he fathers, was just a shitty father. But he didn't take offence, and ended up agreeing with her.

On the drive back from school she let her thoughts drift to her plans to break into Jack father's work that night. She needed to get her hands on the buildings blue prints so she would have some idea where she is going in there and not end up lost in the building. So when they returned back to school, she went into the girl's bathroom so she could message Wizard telling him what she had planned and what she needed. As soon as she sent the text she left the bathroom and walked with Jack to her next class.

The school day ended and the drive home was less awkward than the drive to school. Mist made and effort and talked to Jack, she seemed more relaxed and even shared her day at school. The two of the talked all the way to May's house. Which Venom appreciated, she was so distracted with what she was going to do that night. She couldn't believe that she had a lead on where Mr Summerland would be that night. Maker thought it would take her months to find him, and it has only taken her a couple days.

Jacked pulled his car up in front of May's place, turning off the ignition. Mist climbed out of the car and leaned in. 'Bye Jack, thanks for the ride.'

'Anytime,' He told her. Mist closed the door, they watched as she quickly walked to front door of May's house. 'Are we still hanging out tomorrow?' Jack ask drawing her attention back to him.

'Yeah. Of course.' Not really sure if that was true. If she completed her mission that night, she would be leaving soon after. She didn't want to risk making Jack suspicious though so she played along.

'Great, how about I pick you up at noon?'

'Sounds good.'

'I'm really looking forward to spending the day with you.' He admitted.

She looked over at him, and felt guilty about what she was planning to do. But also she felt a little sad, this might be the last time she ever saw him again. She bit her lip knowing she should really do it, but did it anyway. Leaning forward she pressed her lips to his. If this was goodbye she wanted to kiss him one more time. He kissed her back, lifting his hand up and holding her neck, as he deepened the kiss. She loved his soft lips, and would always remember them. She eventually pulled back and stared into his eyes. 'You are an amazing guy; I am glad that I met you.'

He smiled. 'You're pretty amazing too.'

She bit her lip thinking about his lips. 'I should go now.' She said, knowing that she had lots of things she still needed to do. 'My sister is probably wondering what's taking me so long.

'Ok, I guess I will see you tomorrow.'

She opened the door, then looked back at him one last time. 'Good bye Jack.'

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