Chapter Four

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Wizard came through with the information Venom had asked for. When she sat up from her rest on her bed she found an envelope that had been slid under her door. She didn't wait for the other to look at what he had found, which wasn't much. Mr Summerland, worked for the government in a secret sector that investigator, and infiltrated secret organisation that could pose a threat to the country. Other than that information, the guy was a ghost. Wizard couldn't even find a photo of the guy, which was probably why there wasn't one in the file she received from Maker. May Turner however, was not. Wizard found lots of information on her, receipts, bills, and even how she is known by Maker. She was once and employee of the organisation but left five years ago. It didn't say why, but that was something Venom could find out when she got there. But she felt better knowing a little more about the women who she would soon be living with. The one thing that she didn't like was that May Turner was a witch. Venom hated witches.

James didn't come and find her, and when she went to have dinner he wasn't in the dining room. She would have been worried, if this wasn't his normal behaviour. Venom guessed that Maker told him no, to him joining Venom on the mission and he was now off sulking. Most likely in his dog form, he was out running. Mist was there however, Venom handed her the file Wizard had given her. They didn't talk, instead they ate in silence. Venom soon left her, and went back to her room, and started to pack. She had everything she needed, so there was no point wasting time, the sooner she left for the mission the better. She sent James a text before going to bed, asking him to call her when he could. She sent Mist one also, telling her that she planned to leave after breakfast in the morning. The sooner they got there the sooner they could come back.

As soon as she finished packing, she slid into bed, switching the lamp off that sat beside her bed. She laid back in complete darkness. She closed her eyes and started drifting off to sleep when she heard a noise. She kept her eyes close and listened to the darkness, which sounded like it was breathing. There was only two people she knew of that could appear in the darkness of her room, and since the breathing sounded heavy, she knew it wasn't Mist. Knowing who it was didn't help her relax, but she knew she could take him so she felt a little better.

'Is there a particular reason for you being in my room Shadow?' she asked the darkness, a place shadow enjoyed to live in. She waited for him to answer her, when no answer came she decided to even the playing field, reaching over so switch the light on, lighting up the room. It was empty, she frowned knowing Shadow had been in there with her, but why did he leave without saying anything? Deciding it would probably be safer to sleep with the light on, she left it on and laid back down. She closed her eyes but found it difficult to fall asleep. Her mind kept racing with reasons for why Shadow had come into her room. She planned on tracking him down before she left in the morning and asking him. She also needed to think of a way for her to safe guard her room against him, and Mist. A way that didn't involve leaving the light on every night.

Eventually she fell asleep and woke early to get on with her day. She Went to Mist room first, letting her know she was leaving in a couple of hours. Mist didn't have to go when she did. She could join her At May Turners house whenever she wants, but with Mist being so scared of Maker and what he might do if she didn't leave with Venom, made the discussion for her. Venom went to James's room next disappointed when his door didn't open after she knocked. He was obviously still sulking, there was a good chance she wouldn't see him before she left. She had a quick bite to eat before stopping off and seeing Maker, who didn't mention anything about James's visit the day before. After seeing him and informing him she was leaving for her mission after their meeting, she left his office and went back to her room to grab her bags.

She took the stairs down to the lower levels of the compound where the garage was. She made her way to her blue Mazda, throwing her gear in the back of the car she climbed in. 'Wait for me.' She heard Mist say as she walked into the garage with a bad over her shoulder. Venom half expected James's to come running out of the door behind Mist with his own bag as well, and was sadly disappointed when he didn't. Venom wasn't sure about driving with Mist, she would have preferred to have gone alone, and have Mist follow in her car. But sure enough Mist opened the back door of Venoms car, sitting her bag down there. Than getting in the front passenger seat.

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