Chapter Six

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The next two classes were the same as the first, Venom wondered if Maker had arranged it so she would have the strictest teachers they had there. She got a little better at navigating her way through the school. She still managed to end up late for each class. But not as late as she was for her first class. The bell rang singling the end of her biology class. She never realised school was so boring. When they were taught the basics at the compound they had a couple of teachers come in and teach them individually. Usually Eraser would wipe their memories at the end of the day, so they wouldn't know of their existence. But it wasn't as boring as going to classes with other students.

Venom packed her book up and threw them in her black back pack, she hadn't gotten around to finding her locker yet, so she was stuck with carrying her books. She would head to the cafeteria now to grab something to eat, and leave early to find her locker before her next class.

She couldn't believe her luck in running into Jack, in the hallway before she even started her first class. He seemed like a nice enough guy. She still couldn't believe she messed up so badly as to tell him her real name. There was something about him, that made her want to tell him the truth even knowing that was a stupid idea and could never happen. Venom got a second lucky break during Biology, she met Laney Carpenter. The girlfriend of Jack's best friend Steve. Laney seemed to have taken an instant liking to Venom. Within the first five minutes of her introducing herself to Venom, she managed to tell her about her relationship with Steve, about his friend Jack, and about her best friend, whose seat venom was sitting in because her friend Patricia was away sick. She than told her all about Patricia's crush on jack, and how she has had feelings for him for years. But never worked up the nerve to tell him how she felt. And so she has to live with just being friends with him. Venom didn't think Patricia would appreciate her best friend spilling her secrets, but she was also glad Laney had. One of her plans she was thinking of using to get close to Jack was to date him. If Patricia saw what Venom was doing, she might step up her game and confess her feeling to Jack. He might prefer dating someone he knows instead of someone he has just met. This would mean Venom would have to push forward with her plans today, the first day they have met. While Patricia was away. Hopefully she would be away for a few days. The problem was, Venom didn't actually know how she could get Jack to date her. It wasn't something Maker had trained her for. She thought about this problem all through Biology not listening to a word the teacher was saying. By the time the bell rang she was no closer to a solution.

She walked out of the classroom with Laney, 'You have to sit with me.' Laney said latching onto Venoms arm. 'The rest of the gang won't care.

'Sure.' Venom said hoping the "Gang" included Jack. 'But I'm going to have to leave early, I still haven't found my locker.' She held up the bag in her hand to emphasis her point.

Laney's brow furrowed. 'What's your locker number?'

Venom rummaged through her bag, searching for the slip of paper. 'Here it is.' She muttered pulling It out of her bag, she turned it over and read. '621'

'Oh yours is across from Jacks, he can show you where it is after lunch' Of course it was, Venom thought to herself. Maker had really outdone himself on this mission. Then again it was probably Wizard who did all of the organising, since Maker would have given the task to him. 'Jack is a nice guy he won't mind' Laney continued, unaware of Venom's thoughts.

'That would be great.' She said with a smile. 'I didn't realise this school was so big, it is going to take me forever to learn how to find my way around the place.

Laney laughed. 'Don't worry, it will become easier.'

'I sure hope so, I don't think my teacher appreciate my tardiness.'

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