Chapter Ten

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Venom and Mist arrived at school late unsurprisingly Jack was nowhere to be seen. By the time Venom found her locker, and books the bell had rang signalling the end of first period. Her mind was full of thoughts about the night before, and she found it hard to concentrate during class. Before she knew It, it was lunch time.

She walked out of Biology with Laney on her heels. 'Where were you this morning? We waited out front for you but you never showed.'

'I'm sorry, my car wouldn't start. My Aunt had to call a friend to come over and start it for me.' She lied.

'Oh that's terrible.' Laney said, she had to sidestep a student running down the hall not paying attention to where he was going. 'Patricia is still away sick, so you won't get to meet her today.'

Venom was relieved to hear that she was away, she still needed to work on Jack before Patricia came back to school. 'That's no good, I hope she gets better soon.' Liar, Liar pants on fire, she thought to herself hiding a smirk.

'I'm sure she will be here tomorrow.' Laney looked over at Venom and nudged her with her shoulder. 'I hear someone has a date with Jack on Saturday.'

Venom smiled at her. 'Where did you hear that?'

She shrugged. 'Might so happen that Jack was waiting for you out front this morning. He may have let it slip.'

Venom laughed. More like Laney grilled him until he spilled. 'He is only showing me around the town.'


Venom smiled, then rolled her eyes. 'Whatever.' It surprised her, how quickly her and Laney had become friends. Well not real friend since Trudy was a persona and not a real person. She wondered if Laney would like the real her, she didn't think she would.

They walked into the lunch room, and lined up in the food line. Venom glanced over at the table they sat at yesterday to see that it was empty. 'Where is everyone?'

'Hmm. Oh they will be in the food court outside. We try to sit out there when the weather is nice. But it fills up quickly, you have to be quick to get a spot. So we sit inside when that happens.' They shuffled forward as the line moved. 'Someone must have gotten out of class early and snagged us a spot.'

Venom liked the idea of sitting outside. They both got their food, and Laney led the way to the outside food court. It was larger than Venom had pictured. It was an area on the side of the building that had be latticed off so you could only enter it from the cafeteria. There were wooden benches, that were built around the two small trees in there. Plus, table and chairs. She could see how the place would fill quickly, in areas where the trees branches couldn't reach the sun shined down brightly.

On the far side, near the lattice wall Jack and his friend sat on a small grass area. They sat leaning against the lattice. 'Oh good, they got the best spot.' Laney said speeding up here pace to reach them.

Jack looked up at their arrival, surprise clear on his face when he saw Venom. 'Hey.' He said smiling at her. 'I didn't think you were here today.'

'She had car troubles this morning.' Laney explained for her, as she sat down next to her boyfriend. 'Maybe you should offer to pick her up tomorrow Jack.'

'I will take you for a ride sweetheart.' Craig said from beside Jack. 'I would be happy to show you my driving moves.' He wiggled his eyebrows at Venom.

Everyone in the group groaned. Venom stiffened at his words, having a flashback of the night before being pressed up against a car while some guy tried to choke her. 'Hey are you alright?' Jack leaned into her and asked. 'Don't pay any attention to Craig, none of us do. He is harmless I promise.'

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