Chapter Eight

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By the time Venom left the house and started driving to Albright, it was eight o'clock. The drive would take about thirty minutes giving her plenty of time to check out the area around the strip club. She wanted to know all the escape roots, and places she could hide if she needed a quick getaway, or a place to lay low until it was safe for her to move. She shouldn't have bothered though, or she should have taken the time to look the place up online. The Hoe's without clothes strip club was located twenty minutes outside of Albright. It ended up taking her and hour to get there.

The club itself was situated in the middle of nowhere. The two story building stood isolated, with a large parking lot out the front and nothing but grass covered land with a few trees surrounding it. Venom was surprised, she didn't expect to find the place so far from any town. Why would anyone drive so far just to watch a bunch of women strip?

Wizard called while she was driving. 'Venom.'

'Wizard, have you seen James?'

'No, I'm not calling about him. I'm calling about the information you wanted.'

'Right.' She said feeling disappointed. 'What did you find out.'


'What do you mean nothing?' She asked confused.

'I couldn't find anything on a Gaven Bane's, 34 in Brighten. It is as if the guy doesn't exist.'

'How is that possible, why would Maker send me after someone who doesn't exist?'

'My best guess is Gaven Bane's is an Alias. Not his real name, but something he is going by.'

She relaxed in her seat, that made sense. 'Ok, thanks for all your help Wizard.'

He didn't respond, instead he disconnected the call, he wasn't really one for idle talk. Processing this new information, Venom drove to Brighten wondering if this new information would affect her mission. She didn't think so, she knew what the guy looked like, and where he will be. His name not being a real one wouldn't make a difference.

She sat in her car until it was ten o'clock. She didn't want to go in there so she waited until the time she had been given, the time her target would be there. Before going in. Sighing she touched up her makeup using the small mirror in the sun visor. Satisfied with the way she looked she got out of her car and walked through car park, which was full with cars.

She had her fake ID ready to show the bouncer. But he just nodded her in not asking her for it. He most likely thought she was one of the dancers running late for work. She didn't question it, sliding her ID into her left thigh high boot. Now all she had to do was find her target.

She entered the club, and held a hand up to her eyes trying to block the light that shined onto her face. She blinked a couple times, lowering her hand when the light continued moving around the room in tandem with other lights of different colours. The place was crowded with men. Besides the lights flashing around the room, and the ones shining over the stage the place was covered in darkness. She might have a hard time spotting her target when she couldn't see people's faces.

Frowning she started walking across the room toward the bar. She would order a drink, and stand at the bar while she surveyed the room. She only got half way to the bar when men started coming up to her. Venom wouldn't admit it out loud but she felt in overhead standing there in the middle of the strip club surrounded by a bunch of drunken men. Yes, she could scratch them all and incapacitate them in a matter of minutes but it would cause a panic, and possibly alert Mr Summerland that she was in the area. Ruining any hope, she had of using his son Jack to find him. The man would most likely vanish completely leaving his family or making them vanish with him. So she had no choice but to ignore the men's advances, and frisky hands that reached out and touched her. She knew to expect this; she was dressed in revealing clothes in a strip club. It didn't mean she wanted their attention, she dressed that way so she would blend in. As soon as Mr Bane's showed his face she would scratch him and get the hell out of there.

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