Chapter 5 - Sorry

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  Ichigo had woken up only to be facing a sleeping Ulquiorra so he didn't know what to do, and it didn't help that he was tired as well. Ichigo started pulling Ulquiorra closer because he started feeling a bit cold, yet Ulquiorra felt surprisingly warm. He wondered how he wasn't cold due to a lack of heat, but he soon thought it wasn't too important.

  "I-Ichigo?" "You're awake." "Y-yes I am... B-but you're r-really c-cold." Ulquiorra was blushing now because Ichigo was extremely close to him at the moment. "Oh, uh, sorry... You were just really warm and I-" "Okay, i-in that case y-you can continue h-hugging m-me like this." Ulquiorra was actually ok with Ichigo hugging him like that, it's just he really didn't expect this to happen.

  Ulquiorra was still blushing and Ichigo was just trying to get warm. Then Ulquiorra started hugging Ichigo and pulled him as close as possible. "U-Ulquiorra?! Wh-what are y-you doing?!" "I'm just hugging you, Ichigo." Yes, he was hugging Ichigo, but mostly because he was actually too warm, and he wanted to get colder... But it wasn't working. In fact, he was getting warmer because he was a blushing mess.

  "Ichigo, are you alright?" Ichigo didn't respond, mostly because he was a blushing mess like Ulquiorra was, but he was having a nose-bleed as well. "I-Ichigo, you're bl-bleeding." Ichigo's face was now completely red. "I'm s-sorry, I c-can't help it." "What do you mean 'you can't help it'?" Ulquiorra was still confused about what was happening. "It's c-called a nose-bleed,  Ulquiorra." "And what would trigger it?"  "Wh-when you m-might think s-something i-is attractive."

  "Alright, but what was 'attractive' about me hugging you, Ichigo?" "Well... you pulled me really close to you, and I thought it was... Hot, I guess." Ulquiorra's face was now red, and he also had an idea. He kissed Ichigo out of blue, and he tried to make it a passionate kiss... But it just ended out as sloppy as the first kiss they had. "Wh-what was that?" "I tried to trigger a nose-bleed from you, but it didn't work."

  Meanwhile at the forest entrance stood Orihime, Uryu, and Chad, and they were all concerned for their freind. "I think we should all split up and go search for Ichigo in three different directions." Said Uryu, who was still suspicious. They all three agreed to split up, but little did they know that they'd all end up in the same place.

  "Should we try again, Ichigo?" Ichigo's face was once again red. "I uh... S-sure?" "Al-alright, but you can t-tell me if a-anything is u-uncomfortable for y-you." Both of their faces were red. Ulquiorra then pinned Ichigo up against a tree and started kissing him, and this time their kiss was verry passionate, and a long kiss. Soon it escalated into both of them making out, and Ichigo's three friends just happened to find themselves walk in right while this was happening.

  "Ichigo is kissing an Espada? What has the world come to?!" Whispered Uryu, because he didn't want to get caught by them. "S-so I... Won't get to be with Ichigo." Said an upset Orihime, in a very sad tone. Chad just watched, not really having anything to say.

  "Ichigo... H-how were you able t-to k-kiss me like th-that?" Both of their faces were still red, yet now they were just feeling awkward, not knowing what they should do. "I don't know... B-but at l-least you liked i-it, right?" "Y-yes, I d-did." "Ichigo, what the hell are you doing?!" Uryu yelled, as he, Chad, and Orhime all left their hiding spots. "D-did you guys see any of tha-" "I SAW ALL OF IT!!! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, ICHIGO?!" Uryu was mad at Ichigo, mostly because the Espada was their enemy not their lovers.

  "W-wait, what? Ichigo... I think your friends might be a bit too over-protective of you. Shall we go somewhere a bit more calm?" Ichigo was now just blushing and seemed confused. "What's more calm then a forest?" "Perhaps... A place of white sands, where the moon is the only thing in the sky?" "Wait, Ichigo! You can't leave us here!" Yelled Orihime, who was clearly upset by what she had seen earlier.

  "I'm sorry, but I'm choosing to go with Ulquiorra." Ichigo said, in a bittersweet tone. Ulquiorra then picked Ichigo up bridal-style and opened a Garganta to Hueco Mundo, and just like that, they were gone. "What happened?!" Asked Rukia as she had eventually found her three friends. "I think Ichigo's gone insane." Said Uryu. "This probably won't end well for those two." Said Chad, who now started talking. "Ichigo..." Orihime had whispered to herself, she was worried about him, but she was also sorry for him.

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