Chapter 15 - Visiting

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  Ichigo woke up in the middle of the night, as he heard a knocking sound coming from outside his window. He walked over to his window and saw a certain espada outside his window, and opened it, allowing the espada to come into his room, before he closed the window.

  "How were you able to get here?" Ichigo asked whilst smiling. "I told Aizen that I needed more time to 'study' things in the human world, and I'm sure you know the rest." Ulquiorra said calmly. "Well, I'm still a bit tired, so uh-" "Do you mind if I were to join you?"

  Ichigo blushed a bit. "I don't mind." Ichigo said as he got back into his bed, and Ulquiorra laid down beside him. "I love you, Ulquiorra." Ichigo said before falling asleep. "I love you too, Ichigo." Ulquiorra replied as he, too, fell asleep.

  They both woke up at the same time. Ichigo went downstairs and had breakfast, afterwards he put on some regular clothes instead of pajamas. He then heard knocking coming from the front door and opened it only to find Orihime.

  "Hey, Ichigo, can I ask you something?" "Uh, sure... What is it?" "W-well, do you think you and Ulquiorra might want to join me and our friends on a vacation to the beach, we've all rented our own hotel rooms and-" "Sure! But Ulquiorra needs a gigai first." "Okay."

  Ichigo then went up to his room to talk to Ulquiorra about needing a gigai. "F-fine, but only if I get to be bottom next time." "Wh-what?!" "You know what I want, Ichigo.~" Ulquiorra cooed.

  ~Le time skip to Urahara's shop~

  "Well, about your gigai problem... I actually thought this might come up, since I was following you two in the forest earlier." Kisuke said with a grin. "Wait, WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL, WHY WERE YOU STALKING US?!" Ichigo yelled in anger at Kisuke, but a quick suggestive look from Ulquiorra made his face turn red.

  "I actually already made a gigai, but it's experimental so... There might be a few minor things wrong with it." "Like what?" "Well... If he has emotions it might make them... Stronger, to say the least."

  Ichigo sighed. He knew what emotion Ulquiorra usually felt, if being horny even was an emotion. "Well, Ulquiorra... Do you want to do this?" "If it means that we can be together even longer than now... Then yes."

  Well, the gigai did work, although Ulquiorra was nude, but Kisuke gave him some clothing to put on before they left. Although on the gigai his arrancar mask and hollow hole were gone, yet that bothered Ichigo a bit.

  They then went back to Ichigo's home, only to see a happy Orihime, along with Uryu and Chad in a car. "We already rented you both a room, so all you guys have to do is get your stuff!" Orihime said happily. "Alright, I think I have a spare bathing suit for Ulquiorra." Ichigo said as he went back into his house to get stuff for both him and Ulquiorra.

  He soon came out of the house around 10 minutes later, carrying two suitcases. One of them had clothes in it, and the other one had other things inside of it. "Okay, we're ready to go." Ichigo said as he got into Uryu's car, and Ulquiorra followed. Both of them knowing what they might do.

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