Chapter 23

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After the night that Dana Mathers was killed, Louis and I fuck like bunnies. 

That usually happens in new relationships, and Louis and I feel more new than ever. Most times, we don't use protection. I'm on birth control now, so we don't really need condoms anymore. And my period is always regular, so I know I'm not ovulating until a little later this week, so we're all set there. No unneeded pregnancies are welcome right now, especially with Louis and I trying to heal our relationship so we can grow stronger than before.

Elizabeth's happy that we're back together. I think she's grown a liking to Louis, which makes me so excited. Of course, we can't go on any cliche double dates or anything because of what happened between Louis and Miles months ago. I don't blame Miles for still being mad at Louis, so I'll just keep them away from each other until that tension dies down a little bit. But right now, things are good. Louis and I are regularly having sex and nice little date nights, I have more gigs at the pub, my hand has been healing nicely from all the glass shards, and things seem to be looking up for everyone.

Louis still has depression. That's a given. He'll have it for the rest of his life, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I make sure that he takes his medication so he doesn't fall into another rough patch where he thinks that letting me go will benefit me. Everything seems to be okay right now, and I can only hope that it will keep up. As long as I have Louis by my side, things are okay. 

"Hey, Ad," Elizabeth says, causing me to stop playing my guitar. "Do you need a tampon? I know from the menstruation cycle app I have on my phone that yours is almost over by now, but I thought I should still ask."

"What are you talking about? I don't get my period until sometime this weekend, I already checked your app earlier this month."

"You must've been looking at my menstrual cycle because mine doesn't start until this weekend. Don't you already know this, though?"

I feel my heartbeat quicken. "No, I haven't gotten my period yet this month." I look up at her, my eyes practically bulging out of my head. "Should I be worried?"

"No, you're probably just going through a little period of irregularity, I sometimes get it too. Have you and Louis been using protection?"



"Okay, no! But I'm on the pill, I should be fine."

She stares at me. "Come on, you know the pill isn't as effective as condoms are."

"Oh, fuck." I put my head in my hands. "Please don't tell me I'm pregnant."

Elizabeth stands from the couch and goes to grab her purse. "Don't worry, I'm sure you're not. But I'll go to the drug store and pick you up a test just in case. And then we'll go to the doctor sometime next week to really make sure, okay? It's all going to be okay."

"I really hope so, Elizabeth. I am in no shape to be raising a baby."

"I know, don't worry. I'll be back in a little bit, okay? Try not to freak out, just keep playing the guitar and I'll be back in no time."

Well, this has really done it. Just when I think things are going really well, life just hits me with something else. But then again, I'm probably not even pregnant. My period could just be late. It's too early to know if I even really missed it. Unless my period is being irregular and I was supposed to get it earlier this month instead of now, which would really mean I could actually be pregnant. Oh god, I'm in absolutely no shape to become a mother. Adoption is always a choice, but being pregnant is expensive with pre-natal vitamins and not to mention how much stress that would put on my body. My family would be so disappointed in me, my mum would be absolutely heartbroken that she wouldn't get to see her first grandchild. What am I going to do?

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