Chapter 6

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When I come to, I know right away that things aren't okay. I must have fallen asleep or something. I go to stretch my aching limbs, but I can't. Something is restraining me. I jolt as I see the familiar bedroom and my body tied to a chair. The guitar teasingly stares at me, almost like it's saying "nice to see you again". 

I try to scream, but my throat is raw and my mouth is taped. I try to squirm in the chair, but it's no use. Whoever tied this really knows how to restrain something. I hang my head as the door to the room opens. My eyes find a handsome man at the doorway. His pretty pale blue eyes brighten and then evilly darken to a deeper shade that resembles a lake. He strides over to me.

"Nice to see you awake," he says. "And it's only one in the morning." I try to talk, but the tape restricts me. "None of that. You tried to run away, and this is what happened. Now you'll never be out of my sight again."

Louis. Stupid, stupid Louis. I quickly regain my memory of him kidnapping me off the streets on the way to the record store. Hatred and anger pump through me as I stare up at him. I shout profanities at him through the tape, but he can only hear the sound of my voice. He snickers evilly as I try to squirm out of my zip-ties.

"What was that, love?" he asks. "I couldn't hear you over the fact that you're mine forever. Maybe I'll consider letting the tape off your mouth. Do you promise to not scream if I let the tape off of your mouth?"

I surrender, nodding as I lower my head. "Good girl."

He lets go of the tape, causing me to yelp out in pain. He instinctively slaps me across the face. "You promised not to scream!" he defends as he tries to rub the handprint on my cheek.

"I didn't yell because I was trying to escape," I start, my voice hoarse and shaky. I bite back tears. He really knows how to hit. "I yelled because the tape ripped my skin when you yanked it off, you prick."

"I swear I didn't mean to hit you, Adeline," Louis says ruefully.

"Oh? Like you didn't mean to kidnap me?" I ask angrily.

He instantly smirks. "'Kidnap' is such a harsh word. I much prefer 'surprise adoption'."

"People will be looking for me," I retort. "I was supposed to meet Miles back at the store so he could take me to his flat for a couple of days. My roommate will be worried, too. She has my parent's phone numbers in case an emergency occurred. There's no doubt that there will be a search party or something. After all, this is a kidnapping. The police will find you and arrest you after all. It's all coming down on you, Louis."

"That's what you think," he chuckles. "While I chloroformed you to get you to shut up, I managed to grab your cell phone. Some girl named Elizabeth called and left messages, along with Miles. I took the initiative to text them that you were alright. Even told your mum that you were visiting a friend on the outskirts of the city for a week or two for a much needed break."

"And what will you do when that so-called break ends, hm?" I question.

He laughs. "Maybe then people will start to worry. But I've already planned how I'll fake your death. Then no one will know that you're with me and you're truly mine forever."

"You're a cold, cruel monster, Louis Tomlinson. I hate you."

He stiffens angrily. "Well, you're going to have to learn love me because we'll be spending a long time together. After all, in a few weeks you'll be found shot and beaten so bad that no one will guess it could be another missing girl. You will be laying murdered on the street near your 'friend's house' in the outskirts of London. I've got some friends helping me out with this one. You will be shot exactly nineteen times all around your body. But before that, you'll be beaten to a bloody pulp. You'll be so unrecognizable. It's pure gold, Adeline."

I think over the plan. "You're going to murder an innocent girl that looks like me for no purpose other than to fool my loved ones?"

"This girl is not innocent. Her name is Dana Mathers and she's a genius on the black market. She works as a prostitute and often lures men from out of town for a night full of fun. But one roofied drink later, the man wakes up in pain with one of his organs missing. Dana often goes for the kidneys, but sometimes she'll go for a pancreas or an appendix. She's even cut out a man's heart and killed him. She is anything but innocent."

"Just like you."

"You don't know my full story, sweetheart," he says, shaking his head.

"And I don't need to. The first night we met you said yourself that you're not a good person. You almost killed my friend. You took me away from my flat and then kidnapped me. You even tried to kiss me and tell me about this fate bullshit. Don't even try to act like you're so sweet and innocent. How do you even know Dana Mathers? I bet you tried to shag her, too, and talk about this fate and she didn't fall for it either. So you're going to kill her for it. And you're going to kill me, too."

He frowns. "I would never try to kill you, Adeline. I would never hurt you."

"You just slapped me, little shit. You're planning to fake my death and hold me captive for the rest of my life. You're such a pathetic excuse for a man."

"Stop talking."

"I hate you so much. No man does this to another person. You are not a man. You are a pathetic. You disgust me."

"Shut up!"

"You're a monster-"

He shoves a rag in my face. I hold my breath. "You're going to have to breathe sometime, Addie. Save yourself the trouble."

"Don't call me tha-"

My eyes roll back as sudden drowsiness takes over me. I instantly pass out, my head dangling freely.

I'm screwed. 

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