Chapter 17

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Sorry for taking forever to update, I wanted this to get to 2000 reads before updating. Maybe we could try to get it to 2500, maybe even 3000? Whichever would be fabulous. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Louis done fucked up. Keep commenting and voting, I appreciate it. Happy reading xx

Christmas Eve comes quicker than planned and I find myself hanging the last set of the lights around the flat while Elizabeth's back home with her family in Southampton. My parents and Charlie are supposed to be arriving soon. They're spending Christmas with me this year. My tree is lit up and adorned with pretty ornaments. There is a mistle toe for decoration in the frame of the hallway. Christmas music is blasting from my phone as I carefully hang up more twinkly lights.

I'm even wearing one of those cheesy holiday sweaters. It's green and had a big brown and red reindeer on it that lights up when you press the nose. My beanie resembles a Santa with it being red and having a white ball hanging off of it. Christmas is in the air and I'm ready to see my family again, especially after what happened last week at the club. I need some bonding time to get my mind off of my aching heart.

The ringing of my cell phone in place of Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer startles me. I carefully step down the ladder and grab my phone off the kitchen counter and hold it to my ear.


"Adeline," my dad says over the line.

"Oh," I sigh in relief, thankful it's not Louis. "Hi, Dad. When are you guys getting here? It's almost five and I'm hungry for Mum's ham."

"Listen, sweetheart. The snowstorm has already hit Bristol. It's worse than expected. It's due to hit London in about an hour or so. We tried to drive through it, but we couldn't get off our street. It's coming down really hard. White out conditions."

"What are you saying, Dad?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm saying that we can't make Christmas this year. It doesn't show signs of letting up and you know how bad plows are here. Will you be okay spending Christmas alone this year? Isn't your roommate with you?"

"No, she was smart enough to go home a few days ago. I'll be fine alone," I say, hanging up the phone and slamming it against the counter. "I always am," I add as an after thought.

The flat is quiet. I look around, disappointed. Might as well finish hanging up the lights. I go back on the ladder and hang the last string. As I put away my ladder, my phone rings again. I quickly go back in the kitchen, checking the caller ID to make sure it isn't Louis. He's been calling nonstop. For some reason, he hasn't called today. Maybe he's giving me a break. Good. Just in time to spend Christmas all by myself.


"Are you Adeline McKay?" a man with a thick Irish accent asks on the other end.

"Um, yes. Who is this and how did you get my number?"

"My name is Seamus McCoy. I own the Irish pub on the west side. Maybe you've heard of it? McCoy's Pub?"

"Uh, I think so. Anyways, what's up?"

"Your friend, Miles Richards, told me that you're an aspirin' musician. I have a pretty big crowd here already and they really want some music. I didn't hire anyone for tonight, so I was wonderin' if you would play something for us tonight. I'll pay ya ninety pounds for just tonight. Might even hire ya if you do good. Can you make it?"

"When do I have to be there?"

"As soon as you can get here would be great. Can I count on you, Adeline?"

"Of course. I'll be there soon. Thanks a lot, Seamus."

I smile as I hang up the phone. Maybe this Christmas won't be too horrible. I walk into my bedroom and pull on my coat and black ankle boots. My guitar case sits in the corner of my room. It's been a while since I played it. Too long. I've mainly been playing my ukulele to help me bring the music back into my life. This job could be good for me.

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