Chapter 21

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The song "The Funeral" by Band of Horses goes well with this chapter. Happy reading -Erin xx

The stars are so pretty tonight. They've been beautiful ever since Louis left to go secure his flat. It's been a week since the shooting. Liam is still in a coma. I haven't heard from Louis since. I guess it's safe to say that either Louis is dead or being tortured at this very moment by those damn Russians. I can't really know for sure, though. I'm too scared to watch the news in fear the story will be all over it. There'll be so much praise by everyone, that'll only upset me further.

If only they knew who Louis truly was.

The thought of Louis being tortured slowly to death causes a stray tear to fall from my eye. I quickly wipe it away, fixating on the stars above me. My numb heart beats steadily, pumping even more callous into my body. Louis told me that I was safe inside my flat, but I had to get away. My flat just reminds me of Christmas with him, and I can't think of him anymore. He's gone and I have to accept that.

I knew it was too good to be true. Right from the beginning, I understood that I couldn't have found something great so soon after Andrew's death. I was so hesitant about getting close to Louis for that reason. But knowing what I know now, maybe I should have let him in sooner. Like Harry, he deserved to die loved. If I had just allowed him in a little sooner, he would have had that opportunity. But it's been robbed from him, and that's just not right.

So now I lie in the woods near the dock. It's a calm place. No one's around here at night. I can hear the soft ripples of waves in the distance. I'm an easy target at the moment. The Russians can easily snatch me up and kill me. But honestly, I don't care. As long as the stars are looking down on me, I'll be okay.

A flash of light dances across the sky in a millisecond. My eyes widen at the sight. A shooting star. My first ever shooting star, too. I automatically think of Louis, wishing he was with me right now. I wish that everything will work out. With him lying beside me, I feel as if things would be easier. Some of my grief would somehow disappear if he was looking at the stars with me.

I sit up, leaning the entirety of my weight on my elbows. A crouching figure on the dock is illuminated by a street lamp. The lighthouse in the distance makes his face visible. My body instantly springs into action, carrying me over to him. Once I'm close, I slow down my pace to study his angelic appearance. I cock my head to the side, not wanting to disturb him. He looks so peaceful. He's a work of art that I don't want to touch in fear it'll fall apart at my fingertips.

"Louis," I whisper to myself, but he hears it.

His head snaps around to face me. His blue eyes seem to sparkle under the dim light. It causes a little smile to grace my features. As we stare at each other, I think to myself. What if all my pain and grief is giving me a wild hallucination? What if Louis really is dead and I'm just imagining him here to ease some of the pain?

I can't stop looking at him, though. My mind tells me to walk away, that it's just not worth it anymore, but my heart begs me to stay. I choose to listen to the latter. I remember hearing this quote a while ago that said that you can find true love when you forget your head and listen to your heart, so that's exactly what I'm doing. I have to at least try. For Louis.

He turns to face the water again. A few seconds and I'm already finding myself missing those beautiful blue eyes. It's like everything about him is a drug, and I am looking for my next hit as soon as it goes away.

"Please look at me," I plead softly. He does as told, but there's a vacant look in his eyes. There's something wrong with him. "Say something."

"I can't do this anymore, Adeline," Louis states, shaking his head solemnly.

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