Chapter 4

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Another Friday night goes by and I find myself sitting on the couch. Miles's wounds healed up real nice and quick. Louis thinks we broke things off. While Louis was attempting to hide behind a tall shelf in the store, Miles and I faked a huge argument. He said how I wasn't supportive enough during his recovery and I said how he needed to stop being a baby. All my anger for Louis really exploded on Miles and he could see it. He was impressed with my rage. It ended in me "dumping him" and storming out of the store while he called my name.

I waited until Louis left with a smile on his face to go back into the store. We hugged each other and complimented our acting skills. Though, my part wasn't acting. I've been very angry since the night I met Louis. He's made my life a living hell for the past couple of weeks. All of my anger and frustration has been bottled up and it finally came out in the precense of Louis.

So I'm alone and Elizabeth's out with her new boyfriend. Turns out Miss Pigtails and Mr. Handsome finally decided to ask each other out. So she's out on a date with her boyfriend and I'm home alone on the couch watching Daria on Netflix. My life.

A pounding on the door alarms me. I walk over to the window first. Louis's car isn't there for once. He's not here. Could he actually be leaving me alone? My prayers have been answered. I grin and answer the door. Oh my freaking god. Looks like I spoke too soon.

"Be ready in ten minutes, we're going out," Louis says. He's dressed for the occasion. 

"I'm not going out with you," I scoff, closing the door in his face and triple locking it.

"Adeline, I can break down doors," he calls. "I suggest you start getting ready or you won't have a front door and that's dangerous for you."

"You're my biggest threat and that's not much, so I have nothing to worry about," I snap.

"Alright," he sighs. "You asked for it."

I quickly open the door as he falls in foot first. "You are not breaking down my door. Go away, please."

He looks me up and down. "I suppose we don't have to go out. What you're wearing now fits you well, so I'll just take you back to my place. You can hang out in my bedroom if you like."

"I'm thinking no because I'm staying here."

His eyes harden. "You're coming with me and that's final."


"Dammit, Adeline, you're coming with me whether you like it or not!" he yells, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of my flat. He drags me down the stairs to his stupid car he parked out back to fool me.

We drive in silence. The radio plays soft pop music, but I pay no attention to it. Louis attempts to put his hand on my thigh, but I instantly slap it away. He does not get to touch me. I curiously stare out the window as he drives through the night. I've never been on this side of the city before. It's very luxurious, but still very city-like. The flats are just nicer. He pulls into the parking garage of a very expensive building. Wealthy people live here.

I refuse to get out of the car. Being the wanker that Louis is, he throws my body over his shoulder and carries me in. I bang on his back, not refusing to give up. People in his building glance in shame and then carry on with what they're doing. They're such cowards. How could they just mindlessly look away when someone is in danger? People do anything nowadays to save their own skin, it's ridiculous.

He lets me down in the lift. "Promise me you'll be a good girl and won't run off?" he asks plaintively.

I cross my arms over my chest and remain quiet. "Adeline, do you promise?" he repeats strongly.

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