Chapter 12

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Hi guys! I'm so happy you're enjoying the story :) I'm sharing this thing as much as I can and I'd appreciate it if you helped me with that so more people can read. I really enjoy your opinions, which means feel free to comment as much as you like, I love your opinions! I don't like being thirsty for votes and comments, so do as you please and PLEASEEE help me share this story. Love you guys. Thank you! -Erin xx

I clumsily crutch into my flat, shaking off the freezing raindrops on my grey beanie. Stupid early December weather. I can't wait until it starts to snow instead of this stupid freezing rain shit. Elizabeth gets up from the couch and helps me get settled onto it. I put my ankle on the coffee table, wincing in pain.

"I saw the note," she says after a moment of silence. I snap up at her. "It's sweet. I think he really cares about you."

I shake my head. "I don't know. I think it's just a ploy to get me vulnerable and trusting of him so he can kidnap me again."

"I should tell you something," she says guiltily.

"What is it, Elizabeth?" I ask worriedly.

"Well, when I went to go visit you in the hospital, the nurses wouldn't let me in because it was the day after it happened and you were still knocked out. As I was about to leave, Louis came in and asked to see you. Being who he is, the nurses let him in. And being who I am, I kinda followed him. I stood outside the door while he held your hand and spoke to you. He didn't talk long. He just kinda sat there with a blank expression on his face for a while and then he started to burst into tears."

"Louis cries?"

"Apparently so," she chuckles. "I was watching from outside the door, so I heard what he was saying to you. After he started crying, he started rapidly apologizing and saying it was his fault for everything. He said that he'd leave you alone from now on because he was the source of your pain. Also, he was saying how he wants you to be happy and free. Like you're a bird or something and he wants you to fly free."

We stay silent for a moment. "He loves you," she says. "I can see it in his eyes. It's the same look in your eyes whenever you have a milkshake."

"Well, I do love my milkshakes," I point out. "Speaking of which, could you make me a chocolate one? I'm dying for one and I've got a boo-boo ankle."

She smiles and stands. "Fine. Only because you have a boo-boo ankle. You're lucky I'm so willing to do this for you."

"I suppose so," I shrug. "But I bet a lot of people would do it if they saw me. I'm kind of a train wreck at the moment. Inside and out."

She starts up the blender, mixing my milkshake. She's like a little slave in there. Being hurt does have its perks sometimes. Only sometimes. After a minute, she hands me my milkshake and I eagerly sip it. This is my only love in life. My mum says I should lay off the junk food, but I don't really want to. I'm not bursting out of my pants just yet.

"It was so terrible to see you like that," Elizabeth says randomly. "All broken and vulnerable. Louis hated it, too. He took your hand was kissing it. He kind of just stroked over all your bruises and stuff. He said he wanted to make you feel better. I believe that he'll do anything to make sure you remain healthy and safe. I believe that he truly loves you. Don't be blind to it. You've changed these past few days. You're starting to believe it, too. You're starting to like him back. He's dangerous and scary, yes, but he is the one who will truly love you and keep you safe until the remainder of your days. I don't know much about Louis, but I do know that he is truly in love with you."

I pause and think. What if I am beginning to like him? It's just not smart of me. I have no idea what he's caught up with and I don't want to bring it into my life. I don't need any more tragedy and heartache to come my way.

And what about Andrew? Will he just be waiting in Heaven for some girl who's fallen in love with someone else? He deserves so much more than that. He deserved the world and got death. He at least deserves to get the girl in the long run. But I know that he'd want me to be happy even if it's not with him. He was generous and compassionate like that. I just feel like I could have done so much more for him. I don't want to move on if he hasn't yet.

"What are you still doing here?" Elizabeth asks. "Go get him."

I sip my milkshake and set it down on the coffee table before eagerly walking out. Probably should have grabbed my crutches, but oh well. I slide down the railing of on the stairwell and land on my good ankle. I hop on one foot outside into the parking lot and look around. His car isn't here, but I know he's watching me. He said he always would.

"Louis!" I yell, cupping my mouth to be louder. I spin around. "Louis!"

I hear something in the distance. Within the matter of a minute, I see a dark figure running towards me. The street lamp illuminates his face that is a mixture of concerned and angry. He most likely thinks I'm in trouble or something.

"You called?" he says, smiling at me.

I look up at him. Now that he's here, I'm drawing a blank. My heart beats a mile a minute just looking at his face. The other time I was really attracted to him was the night in the hospital when he was sleeping. He didn't look so much in pain and more peaceful. At this moment, with his face in a nice smile and no threat to me, he is definitely more attractive than I remember. Jeez, what do I say?

"In the letter," I start. Okay, where am I going with this? "You said that you've lost everyone you love. I know that Eleanor left, but was there anyone else? You implied there was more than one."

He sighs. "Yes. I knew you'd catch onto that. Mind if I tell you a story?"

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