Chapter 19

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The information that Dana Mathers gave me a few nights ago is still lingering in my mind. I had no idea just how dangerous Louis is and how much danger he's in. He surely must know. Then why doesn't he go in hiding or something? I really don't want him to die. It's New Year's Day and I'm already out of my mind.

I drive home from the pub. Seamus surprised me by wanting me to play this evening for a few hours. The pub is already closed considering Seamus wants to get home to his family. It's about eight now and all I want to do is lounge around on the couch and watch some Netflix before going to bed.

My key goes in the slot easily and I open the door to my flat. I freeze when I see an unfamiliar man sitting on the couch. Elizabeth is sitting tensely next to him, forcing a smile. Oh goodness, who is this? I hesitantly close the door behind me and watch as Elizabeth quickly stands, walking to me. 

"Adeline, this is one of Louis' friends," she introduces, slightly on edge.

The man stands. "Nice to finally meet you," he greets kindly, shaking my hand. "I'm Liam."

"Hello Liam. No offense or anything, but why are you here?"

He smiles warmly. "Louis has been having a bad couple of days and I thought that bringing you to work would be a pleasant surprise. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not. That's very sweet of you. How long will we be gone?"

"Shouldn't be too long. He gets out pretty soon, anyway. I just think he'd rather see you than me right now. Shall we get going, then?"

"Sure. I'll see you later, Elizabeth."

"See you!" she calls anxiously.

Liam leads me out to his big car that resembles Louis'. I have to step up to climb into the passenger seat. Damn my short height. The ride to wherever Louis works is tense. Those Russians that Dana told me about could show up at any time and everyone would be dead. I remind myself that she also said that they're in another country.

"You okay?" Liam questions, filling the silence.

"I know," I respond bluntly. "About the Russians."

He pinches the bridge of his nose. "He doesn't want you to know. He doesn't want you worrying about him."

"So it is true. Did he really give his boxers steroids?"

"Of course not. That's preposterous, even for Louis. The Russians are sore losers. Louis made a fortune from that match and the Russians couldn't handle it. So they accused him of giving his boys steroids. Now they're bloodthirsty because they can't lose to some English bloke. It'd be easier to kill him and those innocent boys rather than to admit defeat."

"It's all so messed up." I shake my head. "Maybe if Louis wasn't in some deep shit then I wouldn't have to worry about him."

"If only he was that smart," he chuckles. "He's been doing this since his teens. He was boxing back in Doncaster. It's what got his boyfriend killed." His brown eyes widen. "Oh shit. Don't tell Louis that last part. He probably doesn't want you knowing."

"I know that, too. I even took him to Harry's grave and his old house."

"You know a lot, then. A little too much for my liking. It can get you in some trouble, you know."

"I don't think I can get in as much trouble as you guys are in."

"The Russians have their ways of torturing their victims. Just be careful. As soon as I have the word that they're back in the country, you and Louis have got to hide."

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