part one : awakening

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Padme opened her eyes to see a blinding white light. She tried to focus on the light and soon the light faded. Then there was another light but this time it wasn't blinding like the first one had been, it was softer. She blinked trying to focus on what was going on around her. The first thing she saw was two medica droids leaning over her, then there was a man with a beard and singed clothes. Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here?! Padme tried to move but her body seemed like it was bound to something. The man looked down at her . Padme's brow furrowed. I know this man ! But where have I seen him? Padme shifted slightly. She could now feel some of her body. She lifted a shaking hand out to touch the man's face. Memories suddenly came rushing to her " Ob- Obi W-Wan?...." Obi Wan smiled. "Hello padme how are you feeling?" Padme closed her eyes and shook her head "terrible.. what happened?" Obi Wans smile faded . "I'll wait till you can function a bit more properly before I tell you that." Padme sat up and put her hand on her head. She felt sore , very sore. She sat up and swing her legs over the side of the bed. Then sudden realization hit her. Anakin, Luke, Leia, the fight... padme stood up and turned towards Obi Wan " Where are they!?" She yelled . Obi Wan sighed "In the nursery they're fine." Padme's eyes widened " I need to see them! Now!!" Obi Wan shook his head " you need to hear what happened first." Padme narrowed her eyes " tell me.. tell me now!" She demanded. Obi Wan sighed " Anakin force choked you on Mustafar and you passed out. We brought you back to a medical base and set an orbit to Naboo, but you went into labor, after your kids were born you... died but we were able to revive you." Tears gathered into her eyes as she remembered what had happened to Anakin. " Is he alright?..." Obi Wan sighed " he escaped but I critically sounds him by stabbing him in the stomach with my lightsaber ." Padme felt a mix between relief and anger you sounds him? Why!! If Anakin's part of the Empire than surely he is alright... "You-you hurt him?" Anger flashed in her and she took a step back from him . Obi Wan shook his head " Padme your not understanding this .... Anakin is no longer a Jedi he's a killer and a sith Lord." Padme shook her head angrily " Anakin would never do something like that! Your lying! And as soon as possible I'm taking my children and going to Naboo!" Obi Wan sighed" Do what you wish senator. You may leave tomorrow and retrieve your things from Corasaunt." Padme nodded "May I have a room to stay in?" Obi Wan nodded " you will be given a room and will be hooked up to a machine to monitor your blood and heart rates just to make sure nothing goes wrong. And I'm the morning the medical droids will run tests on your children and yourself . Goodnight senator the medical droid will show you to your room." Padme nodded and allowed herself to be led down the hallway to a small little room. It had a small bed and a machine beside the bed . The medical droid disappeared down the hall and a svelte looking woman ran into her room. Padme knew she knew the woman but couldn't put where. " Are you alright milady?" The woman asked softly . Padme's head snapped towards the woman quickly as she suddenly realized who the woman was " Dorme?....." the woman smiled " Hello milady the medical base sent me a message telling me you had died and I hired a man on Corasaunt and he took me to you.. I wanted to say goodbye or at least confirm that you were actually dead to the Naboo council." Padme nodded and hugged Dorme . Dorme quickly returned the hug and reached around padme to grab something . "Here I brought you some clothes I thought you would feel more comfortable in your own things." Padme nodded " thank you Dorme " Dorme smiled and stood up "I'll leave so you can get dressed I'll be back in your room tomorrow so I can do your hair and help you get ready for Naboo." Padme nodded and watched Formed retreating form. Once she was gone she looked at her clothes. There was a white lace nightgown that trailed to the floor with a dark purple velvet robe . She remembered the same outfit on Naboo when she had agreed to go with Anakin to Tatooine. She unfolded the dress and a necklace fell out. She picked it up and tears sprang into her eyes. It was the necklace Anakin had made for her when he was a little boy. She put it on the table, not sure if she wanted to wear it or not. She closed her eyes and put it around her neck and crawled into bed. A medical droid came in moments later and hooked her up to the machine. Padme listened to the humming of the machine then fell into a black vortex of sleep.

Hello! Itsa me Jane!!! Hope u enjoy the story there will be more chapters let me know if u like it or not!

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