part ten: love

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Three months later, Padme's stomach was finally starting to pop out of her shirt. She couldn't wait till her child was born . She was going to the hospital today for an Altar sound that would tell her if the baby was a boy or a girl. Anakin had wanted to stay home and be surprised. They hadn't decided on baby names yet,which wasn't really a problem at the moment,she still had six months to go. She walked into the room and the doctor had her lay down flat on her back while he did the altar sound . Padme waited patiently, after he was done he went out of the room for a long moment,then came back, "Mrs.Amidala,your having a healthy baby girl." Padme gasped and tears sprang into her eyes. She thanked the doctor and hurried to her ship outside the medical bay. She went home to Corasaunt and opened the door. Dorme wasn't there and the house was oddly quiet. She went into her bedroom and saw nothing. She walked throughout the house starting to panic , then went inside the twins room. The sight she saw warmed her heart. It was Luke and Leia asleep on the floor with Anakin beside them. He had his arm wrapped around them. She laughed quietly and grabbed a blanket covering them all up with it.

She left the room silently and went into the kitchen to get a drink of milk. After her glass of milk she fell asleep in her room,curled up into a little ball. She fell asleep thinking about names for their unborn daughter.

A hand on her shoulder woke her up. She turned and looked to see Leia sitting on her bed. "It's not comfy on the floor , may I sleep with you mommy?" Padme smiled. "Yes sweetheart." Leia smiled and climbed up on the bed. Padme pulled the cover up to Leia's chin and Leia snuggled against her mother's stomach and Padme stuffed a laugh. In a few moments she fell asleep.

Anakin woke up to fin himself on the floor with Luke , who was still fast asleep. Anakin picked his son up and put him in his own bed. He scanned the room for Leia and when he didn't see her, he left the room and went into his own bedroom. What he saw made his heart fill with joy. Padme was asleep with Leia snuggling into her stomach. Anakin slowly shook Padme's shoulder. She slowly turned her head,careful not to wake Leia up. She smiled at him. Leia stirred then sat up "Hello daddy." Anakin greeted Leia then leaned down and kissed her forehead. Padme swung her legs off the bed and Leia ran off the bed so she could wake Luke up. Anakin climbed on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "So what's the child's gender?" He asked eagerly. Padme laughed "Ani, we're having another daughter." His face like up and he hugged her tightly. "Have you thought of a name?" He asked. She shook her head "Not a good one. You?" He smiled and looked at her ,"no." Suddenly his face lit up,"padme, let's name her Angel." Padme's smile brightened at the name. "Its perfect Anakin!" He smiled and leaned down to kiss her stomach " hello,little Angel." Padme smiled . Later that night she contacted her family and told them all the news about the baby. Padme thought that she was the happiest woman alive.

Hello itsa Jane! Nice chapter huh? Don't be mad at me for the name! I just loved the name Angel for their daughter!

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