part seven : dream

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"your a fool padme,i never loved you and never will!" Padme gasped at Anakin. His face was covered in a black mask. "Anakin... you said you would never leave! What about our children?! What will they do without you?! " Anakin snapped his head at her "that name has no longer any meaning to me! You will call me Lord Vader." Padme shook her head in disbelief"Anakin....please!" Vader looked at her sternly"you will give yourself to the dark side." Padme shook her head,she couldn't leave her children behind! She started crying silently and looked Vader in his eyes behind the mask "I can't!" Vader grabbed something from his belt and held held it in his hand. "Then you will die!" She suddenly realized that what he was holding was a red lightsaber. she gasped and stepped back"Anakin! No! Please!no!please!I'm begging you!" She took a step back and Vader took a step towards her. He held the lightsaber above his head. She closed her eyes tightly and whispered "I love you!" Before her works went spiraling into darkness.

Padme sat up in a start,covered with sweat and tears. She looked next to her on the bed and saw Anakin's sleeping form. She started sobbing, and Anakin stirred. He opened his eyes and saw Her crying,then sat up quickly. "Padme,whats wrong?" She continued sobbing and buried her face in her hands , bringing her knees up to her chest. Anakin grabbed her from behind and pulled her too him. He craned his head to look at her face,"Padme whats wrong?!" She sobbed harder and managed to whisper out "Yo-yo left again! Y-you left Me behind! And the twins!th-then you killed..." her voice trailed off as more sobs racked her body. Anakin's eyes widened and he leaned down and kissed her,hard. After he broke away ,he whispered in a harsh voice "Padme,im never leaving,not again. I love you and the twins too much to ever do it again, I promise you." Padme still sobbed. She turned and faced Anakin "you killed me,you told me you weren't Anakin , you were... Vader." Anakin's face turned red and he kissed her even harder than before. "Don't ever think that I would hurt you or our kids, you could turn me into the worst sith in the galaxy and I would still never hurt you!" She nodded . Her sobbing had turned into silent crying and she leaned forward to him again . He kissed her hard ,then flipped her over,so he was on top of her.

Padme wasn't bothered by her nightmares for the rest of the night.

Hello it's jane!I'm sorry for the fluff at the end of the chapter! The next chapter has a four year time skip.
For the rest of the night Padme didn't have anymore dreams .

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