part eight : sick

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"Happy birthday kids!" Said padme sitting a cake down in front of the three year olds. They smiled and dug eagerly into the cake with their forks. Anakin laughed and kissed their forehead. Padme walked into her mother's kitchen to see Dorme smiling at her. "Wow Padme, hard to believe they're three already!" Padme laughed "I know, I feel so old!" Dorme laughed and continued scrubbing a plate . Padme went to help her when she suddenly felt very nauseous. She ran to the bathroom and threw up her entire lunch into the toilet. Anakin called for her ,then ran into the bathroom. He rushed to her side "Padme are you alright?" She nodded "yes I must have picked up a sickness from Kashyyk." Anakin shook his head. "Tomorrow,your going to the doctor whether you like it or not." Padme shook her head "No,its just a stomach bug,im fine!" Anakin pointed a finger at him "your going to the doctor." Padme sighed and gave up , and walked into the living room. She plopped onto the couch. "I feel dizzy...." she said laying down on the couch.Anakin leaned down and kissed her forehead " don't feel warm at all." Padme shrugged and closed her eyes. She felt Anakin get up and another person st on the couch. She looked to see Dorme looming over her,tucking her long hair behind her hair so it didn't fall into Padme's face. "Are you alright milady?" Padme turned to her and shrugged "I feel sick. I threw up a few moments ago." Dorme nodded and grabbed a blanket, then covered padme up.

When padme woke up she felt nauseous again and raced to the bathroom. Anakin seen her running and followed her to the bathroom. Luke and Leia ran into the bathroom too , a look of concern on their faces. "Daddy is mommy alright?!" Asked Luke. Anakin nodded "yes ,she just feels sick." Padme started crying. She didn't want her children to see her like this. Anakin and the twins left the bathroom when Dorme came running in. "Milady tomorrow morning your going to the doctor!" She said ,rubbing Padme's back. Padme nodded. After about ten minutes, she stopped puking. Dorme helped her up and put her into her old room. After about twenty minutes Anakin slid in beside her and rubbed her back . She sighed and pulled the cover up to her chin.

Every hour that night she got up and raced to the bathroom to throw up again. Padme cried every time she threw up,scared that she may have a serious sickness. And if she did she would do her best to fight it no matter what it was.

Hello itsa Jane. So padme may have a disease! Stay tuned to find out just how serious it is!

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