part sixteen : help!

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Hello guys! Once again I'm so so sorry for not updating, it's just trying to write two stories at once is hard work! Anyways enjoy the story and once again, really sorry!!!

Anakin paced nervously around the medical center waiting for the news on their son. Padme sat on a bench, holding Angel in her arms, and Leia snuggled up against her stomach.

Leia made a growling sound and looked up at her father, "Daddy! Stop walking around!!!" She said looking at her father with an irritated face.

Anakin stopped pacing and sat on the bench next to Padme. He grabbed her hand and stroked her knuckles, and she sighed.

Anakin looked down at the floor then at Padme. "I'm scared Padme." He said staring, seemingly, at nothing.

Padme looked at him sternly. "No Ani! Remember what happened last time you let your fears control you? You ended up hurting, not only yourself, but other people too!"

Anakin looked at her in her eyes and bit his lip, "I can't lose him Padme! I just can't!" Said Anakin shaking his head. "I've seen visions at night of this! I've tried ignoring them but it's finally coming true! And I can't lose anyone else Padme!"

Padme smacked his hand and turned his head to look at her, " Ani stop! Don't give up on me! I need you to be here! I need you to tell me everything is okay! I can't have you losing yourself to the dark side again! That hurt me so bad Ani! I needed you to be there then! To yell me everything was okay! But you weren't! I can't have you doing this to me again Anakin!"

Anakin leaned forward and kissed her. After a few moments he broke away and bowed his forehead against hers. "I'm not leaving you ever again Padme..."

Padme smiled and then a medical droid came rolling into the room. Padme immediately sat up, "is he okay?!" She asked, her chocolate brown eyes darting.

"Yes, he just caught a fever and collapsed from the fever, he should make a full recovery."

Anakin and Padme let out a sigh of relief and Anakin looked at the medical droid. "May we take him home?" He asked curiously.

The droid rolled his head to the side, "well, yes of course."

So later that evening, Padme p, Luke , Leia, Angel, and Anakin went to their home and were grateful for their family. They had almost lost a member and took it for granted.

They were a family that nobody could break apart.

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