part four:meeting

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The next morning Padme was oddly quiet around her family,despite how she had talked nonstop yesterday. Her mother and Sola had asked her if she felt okay, she nodded and smiled telling them everything was fine,even though it wasn't. Later in the evening a knock came at the door. Sola's eyes darted up to Padme's, thinking the same thing . The Empire... Sola hesitantly opened the door and gasped "wha-what are you doing here?!" Padme swallowed and stepped into the living room and gasped at what she saw. Two piercing blue eyes. The man at the door pushed past Sola and grabbed Padme's forearms and pulled her too him holding her close to him. Padme inhaled and immediately recognized the scent. Anakin! Padme gasped and wasn't sure if she should hug him back or push him away. The more stubborn side of her won and she pushed him away from her staring wide eyed at his face. He still looked the same, shaggy dirty blond hair and that scar above his eye. She looked at him in disbelief. He smiled at her " Hello angel." She stared at him "Anakin?!?!" He smiled at her and reached out to touch her cheek , she flinched then moved away. She shook her head and he took her hand " we need to talk now." Padme nodded and brought him outside to the balcony by the lake. She stood in front of him waiting for him to speak. He smiled and looked out on the lake "this is like the place where we first kissed." Padme nodded but her face was still serious. Of course she still remembered that moment and decided to shake it out of her head. After a moment Anakin cleared his throat. "I left the Empire." Padme's eyes widened "wh-what?!" Anakin stepped closer to her "I found out you were alive and I had an assassin kill the Emperor. " Padme had tears in her eyes and bowed her head "Anakin.... im happy your back still hurt me..and I don't know if I can take you back..." Anakin grabbed her hands "look at me Padme." She looked up at him with tears running down her cheeks. "I know I hurt you but.. that doesn't mean I dont love you. I just got so angry and confused I reacted badly , and now that I've seen what I did was wrong, I can't forgive myself for it.. but I love you and I hope you know that, and I'm so damn sorry..." now he was on the brink of tears. She looked up at him and smiled "I forgive you and I love you too." He leaned down and kissed her slowly. After a few moments they broke apart and Anakin's eyes widened " where are they?!" She laughed "They weren't ready for the trip here, but they'll come in a few weeks." Anakin smiled brightly "what are they like?!" Padme laughed even louder " Leia looks just like me but she's loud and impatient just like you! However Luke looks almost exactly like you but he's more calm like me." Anakin smiled " I had figured they were something like that.. I can't wait to see them!" Padme smiled and gave him a chaste kiss. "Let's go inside now." Anakin nodded and grabbed her hand and walked them inside the house. Sola and Jobal looked at them astounded . Anakin smiled at them . Sola tried her best to smile back at him while Jobal put her hand on her chest and smiled brightly. "Are you two together?!" Padme nodded and Anakin smiled " actually we're married." Sola's eyes widened and Jobal gasped "married?! How come I didn't know about this?!" Padme laughed "Nobody did. We kept it a secret because Anakin was a Jedi." Jobal nodded and smiled then looked out the window. "Dinners ready now,come sit down." They also sat down at the table and talked about the adventures and things they had done in the past three years together, since Padme had not included Anakin in her earlier conversations. After dinner padme and Anakin slept on her old bed while Sola slept in her own bed again. The bed was sort of cramped but padme didn't care , it didn't matter Anakin was alive and with her again,thats all that really mattered at the moment. Padme tried to ignore the giant scar on his stomach from where Obi Wan had stabbed him. After a few moments she fell into a black vortex of sleep once again. But this time without the nightmares she usually had.

Hi itsa jane again! Told u you'd love me for the next chapter! More happy moments ahead!

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