part two: Orbit to Naboo

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"don't be afraid." Said Anakin looking ahead at the execution arena. Padme looked over at him "I'm not afraid to die...I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back to me." Anakin looked confused "what are you talking about.." Padme swallowed " I love you..." Anakin widened his eyes " you love me? I thought we agreed not to fall in love that we'd be living a lie and it would destroy our lives..." Padme shook her head " I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway ... I truly,deeply,love you and before we die I want you to know..." she leaned over and kissed him . The cart they were in moved and she pulled as the driver pulled them out to the arena where they were going to be killed...........

Padme shot out of bed almost knocking the machine she was hooked up to over. She looked around the room. She was still in the small room on the medical base. She sat up and swing her legs over the bed then walked over to her door. She looked out the small window of it but her machine prevented her from going outside it. She seen a hallway which was filled with light meaning it was probably morning and soon she will get to see her newborn twins Luke and Leia. She cocked her head to the side thinking of their last names. She thought about their last names being Skywalker but then decided not. There were no more Skywalker's. they were all dead besides their father Anakin... but once she thought about it Anakin probably thought she was dead or seriously injured so it may be for the best that she keep her children Anonymous. She then decided to name them Luke and Leia Naberrie which wasn't her last name . Her last name was Amidala, Naberrie was her maiden name from which she grew up with. She heard footsteps coming down the hall and a wirring of a machine . She raced back to her bed and pretended to be asleep. The footsteps stopped at the door and it soon opened . Padme lazily rolled over pretending to be awoken . At the door stood Dorme and a medical droid. The droid rolled over to her and unhooked her from the machine. Dorme smiled and helped her out of bed. "Hello milady I've brought you some clothes, after your done getting dressed I'll do your hair and we'll go see your children." Padme smiled and took the clothes Dorme handed her. Once the droid was gone Padme undressed. Dorme had seen her in her underwear more than once so Padme didn't mind. She unfolded the dress and realized it was her yellow flower dress from Naboo. She blinked back tears remembering the fields back home. It was also the dress she had worm to the picnic her and Anakin had planned and they ended up arguing about senators. Padme put on the dress while Dorme snapped up the back. After that was done Padme sat down in front of the mirror looking at her reflection which was tired and groggy. Dorme combed her hair then put it into a loose braided bun on the top of her head while she was completing her action she met Dorme's gaze in the mirror "so.. who's their father?" Dorme asked. Padme froze and swallowed not sure if she should lie or just tell her the truth. Padme looked away. Dorme smiled " it's Anakin isn't it?" Padme nodded and looked back at her " he'll never get to see them...."  Dorme smiled "yes he will, even if he's dead he'll remember you and your children, don't worry ." Padme sighed "do you think he's dead?" Dorme cleared her throat and sighed " I'd like to know..." Padme nodded understanding Dorme's intention. Padme stood up once her hair was done and followed Dorme out the hallway.  A droid led them to the nursery and then she seen them. She knew it was them as soon as she layed eyes on them for they looked just the same as when they were born. Dorme smiled and handed Padme Luke. Padme smiled and looked down at the baby. He had a small head of dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes . He looks just like Anakin! She thought looking at him . He may have looked like his father but he was quiet and patient. Dorme slipped Luke out from Padme's arms and Handed her Leia. Leia looked just like Padme with dark brown curly hair and deep brown eyes. Yet Leia was more like her father personality wise. As soon as she had picked her up Leia had started sailing and Padme quickly handed her back to Dorme who handed her to a medical droid. Padme sighed "when will we be leaving?..." Dorme smiled "Whenever your ready to, however the twins will not be able to travel with you because they need to stay here a bit longer before they're ready to go onto a starspeeder , it's a bit to much for them right now." Padme nodded and looked towards her children. She was going to miss them dearly, but it was for the best if they stay here for a while . "Okay than I'm ready let's go...." Dorme smiled. Padme kissed Luke and Leia's foreheads then left the nursery. They went out to the docking bay and froze to talk to Obi Wan" Safe travels senator,and don't worry, your children are in good hands." Padme nodded "Thank you Obi Wan I hope to see you again soon." She turned and got into the ship and the orbit began for Corasaunt.

Once they had landed at her home the republica 500 she stopped remembering what had happened here. She lived there along with Anakin. Padme wasn't sure if she could go inside , for if she saw one thing that belonged to him she may start sobbing. She took a deep breath and walked inside . She knew she would move back here one day but for now she had to stay at Naboo with her family. She retrieved a few things then returned to the starspeeder then set orbit for Naboo.

A few moments later they had arrived onto Naboos's docking base. A few men carried her bags for her while Dorme walked along side her. "So I wonder how the council will react when they see you are alive.."  Padme shook her head "I'm not going to Theed I'm going home to my family in the suburbs." Dorme frowned "oh will you need my presence?" Padme shook her head again"No but you may accompany me if you wish to." Dorme nodded "I'll leave you and your family alone, I think you need some time alone." Padme smiled and thanked her for her compassion than rode out to Her family's home on a airspeeder. Once she had arrived she stopped at the door and knocked "who is it?..." called an old sad voice that had been shaken with crying. Padme took a deep breath " it's me may I come in?"

Cliff hanger!!! Dun dun daaaa!!! So how are u guys liking the story? I'm trying ! Sorry for the long chapter and the sad flashback. There will be another one of those btw.. and you get to see more inside Padme's family. Sorry don't hate me ! This will have a happy ending though I promise you it with!!!! Bye bye

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