part five:family

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Two weeks later Padme and Anakin returned to their home in Corasaunt where the twins would be arriving in a few hours. Anakin was overjoyed and very excited . Padme smiled and hoped they could always be like this, happy for what came next. Padme's intercom beeped "we have landed in your docking bay senator.", Anakin's fave lit up and he smiled ear to ear."thank you captain,we will be down instantly." She said into the speaker. Anakin grabbed her hand and literally dragged her to the docking bay. Once they arrived a medical droid gestured them inside and they followed it. When they were inside the ship, the droid led them to the medical room . And they stepped inside. Two droids rolled over and Handed them two babies . Anakin grabbed the boy and looked at him in amazement, while smiling ear to ear. He silently muttered "Luke..." and looked at Padme. "They're so amazing I love them so much already..." he said , then pressed his forehead against Luke's. Not really hard but just enough. He looked at her again "he does look just like me.." she smiled at him "would you like to hold your daughter?" She asked . Anakin nodded and easily handed her Luke while slipping Leia into his arms. He smiled at her "Leia..well I must say you look exactly like your mother!" He said looking at Padme. She smiled at him and they began to walk out of the ship and back to their home . Dorme was waiting at the door "hello milady..." she bowed gracefully. She then cocked her head to look at Anakin then gasped "Anakin Skywalker?! Well I didn't expect to see you here." Anakin smiled "hello Dorme could you open the door? My hands are a bit full." Dorme looked at Leia in his arms and nodded. The door opened and Padme led Anakin to the babies nursery. They laid them down in their cribs then walked out to meet Dorme. Anakin had an arm around Padme's waist and they went out to go meet Dorme. Dorme glanced at Padme then stared at Anakin for a long moment. Suddenly she asked "Milady, may I talk to you?.. alone?" Padme nodded and Anakin removed his hand from her waist. He nodded and headed back into the nursery. Dorme grabbed Padme's hand and pulled her out to the balcony."what are you doing Milady? Have you forgotten what he has done?! He's a traitor and a sith Lord! He can't be trusted!" Padme shook her head "he left the Empire. It's over. The emporers dead . Didn't you see how happy he was?" Dorme looked at her sternly "he did seem pretty happy. But I can't forget what happened.padme I swear if he ever hurts you again I'll kick his ass." Padme held in a gasp. Dorme was such a lady, she would of never thought of her using such language. Instead Padme just nodded slowly and turned to go to Anakin in the nursery. He was sitting down rocking them both and turned to smile at her. He handed her Leia and she sat in the chair beside of him. They rocked the twins to sleep then headed down the hall to their room. Padme changed into a blue nightgown and put her japor snippet on her neck . Then reached over and kissed Anakin goodnight. Then fell sound asleep inside their apartment.

Hello itsa Jane! I'm not sure what to write for the next chapter...oh wait I have plan. Hehehehehehe!

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