part fifteen: Master

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Hey guys! I'm sorry! I didn't have any pictures of Obi Wan and I'm also sorry I haven't been updating this, I'm working on another story and am kinda ignoring this one! Anyways I'll try to update this soon! Enjoy! Jane

One day while Anakin was watching and playing with Angel, there had been an unexpected knock at the door. Padme had taken Luke and Leia to the park, and Angel had been fussy, and was refusing to leave.

Anakin stood up and put Angel in her crib. Angel was not pleased with this action and began to cry. Anakin picked Angel up and soothed her crying. "Dorme! Could you get the door?!" Anakin called.

A few seconds later Dorme opened the door and gasped. Anakin froze once he felt who's presence was at the door. It was very familiar and he had once thought of this man as family.

Obi Wan Kenobi, he thought and called for Dorme to grab Angel for him, so he could talk to Obi Wan .

He walked out of the nursery and went into the living room to the door.

And there he was, standing there politely. Anakin took a step forward " what in the sith, are you doing here?!"

Obi Wan smiled " I came to check on you, see how you are doing, well more how your wife was doing, but I felt your presence and and not hers."

Anakin looked at him coldly " you are not welcome in this house , Obi Wan."

Obi Wan smiled at him "so I see you and Padme are back together, honestly, I thought she would never forgive you for what you did, seems like she certainly did."

Obi Wan nodded his head towards the nursery door " and you've had another child by the looks of it, what's its name?"

Anakin pointed at Obi Wan. "you need to leave, now!"

Obi Wan sighed softly. " Your still so full of anger, that's exactly what the sith were looking for in the first place, if your not careful you'll end up right back with them."

Anakin looked at him in the eye and his cold look-if possible- got colder, " I'm never leaving my children or Padme ever again, the sith could offer me he entire Galaxy and I wouldn't leave."

Obi Wan smiled and nodded" well, then I'll be leaving, it seems I'm not welcome."

Anakin nodded and watched him walk out the door. Dorme came into the room seconds later " what in the Galaxy could he have wanted?"

Anakin sighed " I don't know Dorme....."

He looked at her and realized she didn't have Angel. "where's Angel?"

Dorme smiled " she's inside her crib, playing."

Anakin walked into the nursery and saw Angel playing with a doll. He kissed her forehead and looked at her face.

He smiled sweetly at her " you have my eyes."

Angel gurgled out some indistinct noises. She grabbed her father's hand from where it rested in the crib and wrapped her fingers around his.

Her blond curls, that reached her a little past her ears , bobbed whenever she moved her head.

Anakin brushed his knuckles along her cheek and smiled at her. He picked her up and rocked her to sleep in his arms.

After she was asleep he went into the living room and seen Padme arrive with the twins "Daddy! We had ice cream with a bunch of sprinkles!" Exclaimed Leia .

He picked her up and kissed her forehead softly " oh you did huh? Did you have fun?"

Leia nodded and kissed Anakin on his cheek " yep! I wish Angel could've came! She would've liked the slide and the ice cream!"

Anakin laughed. "Angel can't go down the slide but she can eat ice cream."

Anakin tickled her and she laughed hysterically. He looked over at Luke, who was yawning and walking slowly.

He walked over to him and smiled, "hey little man, what's wrong?"

Luke sniffed " I don't feel good."

Anakin frowned and looked up at Padme" has he been doing this all day?"

Padme sighed " almost, he has a fever, I'm going to make him lay down for a while then call a doctor to come here."

Luke started spinning his head and then suddenly fell backwards onto the floor.

Anakin picked him up and ran him to the couch and felt his head. He was burning up very bad.

Dorme rushed into the room and Padme ordered her to call a medical center.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha cliffhanger! Sorry! I had to do it! I love you all!

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