part twelve: whole

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Two weeks later Angel arrived to their home in Corasaunt. The twins were overjoyed to see their baby sister. Anakin practically stole the baby form her arms as soon as she got in the door. Padme just smiled though , if Anakin was anything, he was a family man. Bay Angel was surprisingly big for a two week old. Padme smiled and sat onto the couch where Leia scooted next to her mother , leaning on her arm. After a moment Padme and Leia both were fast asleep on the couch. Anakin turned to look at them and laughed. He strode over to them and kissed their forehead, and cheeks. Then, he led Luke to his bedroom. Angel was sharing a room with Luke and Leia. Anakin gently laid Angel down in her crib. After that Anakin tucked Luke into bed. It was only noon, but everybody in the house needed some sleep, Anakin and Padme had worried endlessly about Angel, and Luke and Leia were just plain hyper, causing everyone in the house to lack proper sleep. He snuck into the living room and picked Leia up carefully, then he tucked her in her own bed . He went back into the living room and scooped padme up. He carried her into their bedroom and gently sat her down. Padme stirred and looked up at him with a tired face "I want Angel..." Anakin Nodded and left the room. He came back with the newborn baby and handed her to Padme. Padme sat up and cradled Angel. Padme shifted her weight to her side and held Angel in her arms. Anakin smiled and climbed onto the bed. He rolled onto his side and watched his wife,hold their daughter. After a few moments padme fell asleep, Angel still in her arms. Anakin kissed their foreheads and pulled the covers up,careful to not cover the baby up. He wrapped his arms around Padme's waist, and buried his face into her neck. He fell asleep shortly after.

Padme woke up and realized she had fallen asleep. She looked down to see Angel in her arms, sound asleep. She looked over her shoulder to see nothing but Anakin's hair. She slowly peeled herself away from him and brought Angel into the kitchen. She pulled a bottle from the fridge and fed Angel. After a moment Anakin came into the kitchen,a tired look on his face. He smiled at her "I feel complete." Padme turned towards him "what do you mean?" Anakin smiled"my soul is complete , I feel whole. There's nothing else I need and no place I'd rather be." Padme smiled and walked over to him. She leaned up and kissed him . "Me too.", She mumbled.

Hello ! I've now got seven viewers and believe it or not,im very happy with that! If only people would like the story's. Or at least comment. O h well now someone's seen it.


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