part three : Naberrie home

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The door slammed open and there stood Padme's mother Jobal Naberrie. The woman smiled and then started sobbing throwing her arms around Padme. Padme returned her hug, holding her tightly. Jobal released her and looked at her face "I -I thought you were dead!.." Padme smiled and a tear ran down her cheek " well i did die, but the medical center was able to revive me.." Jobal smiled, then her eyes widened" where are they? I want to see them!" Padme shook her head "the twins aren't ready to be traveling yet, they'll be home soon." Jobal smiled " If you need a place to live you can always stay here at home." Padme shook her head " I may stay for a little while, but I'm going to go back to Corasaunt to live after awhile." Jobal nodded and smiled . Padme suddenly frowned " Where's dad?" Jobal sighed " After finding out that your dead he went to the bar in town and I haven't seen him since... i do hope he's alright." Padme smiled "I'm sure he is. Now can you call Sola to come over? I need to see her..." Jobal nodded "Okay I'll send a maid to come retrieve her from her home.. she's very upset about it too." Padme cocked her head "has she told Pooja and Ryoo?" Jobal shook her head " I highly doubt she's told them, they're only six and eight years old." Padme nodded understanding her point.
Moments later her sister walked into the door a grim look on her face, meaning that Jobal had not yet told her about Padme being alive. Sola looked up and gasped, then ran and almost attacked padme by throwing her arms around her. Padme stumbled backwards, then fell onto the floor her sister on top of her. Sola still didn't let go and Padme literally had to pry her off. Sola looked up at her sister tears welling up in her eyes "you-your alive!!" Padme smiled at her " I am very well alive, where are the girls?" Sola smiled and shook her head "I didn't bring them because i didn't know what Mom wanted to talk to me about, and if it was about you then I would have started sobbing and then they would know something is wrong and I'd have to tell them. And they can't handle that! They just can't!!" Padme smiled. Sola frowned "where are the twins? I'd like to meet my niece and nephew!" Padme sighed "they couldn't handle the travel.theyre on a medical base." Sola nodded. Jobal was in the kitchen making Padme and Sola some lunch , when receiver com in the living room beeped. Sola and Padme went to go answer it and clicked it on. A hologram of Obi Wan showed up " Senator Amidala, the Empire is looking for you, well more likely Darth Vader, he feels your presence in the force and is trying to track you down so try the best you can to stay Anonymous. Good luck senator, I wish you well." Padme gasped and turned towards her sister, who was wide eyed "you didn't check into Theed right? Because he could easily hack into their systems!" Said Sola. Padme shook her head "No I came straight here... and let's not tell mom about this , there's no need to worry her." Sola nodded" agreed, now let's go eat lunch." They walked into the kitchen , and sat at the table Jobal turned towards them "What was it?" Sola shook her head "it was just those typing children down the street, they're so mischievous." Jobal sighed and sat plates of food in front of them. While they are Padme told them what Luke and Leia looked like and how they acted. Sola and Jobal gave her a few tips of advice on parenting. Padme listened to their every word , for she would need it. They spent the rest of the evening sharing stories, for they had not seen each other in almost three years, which was far too long. When night came, Sola and Padme shared their old bedroom and slept in their old beds. Padme and Sola said goodnight and then Padme went into a dark vortex of sleep.

Padme stared at Anakin in disbelief as her true love told her of what he had done. She felt betrayed and tears welled up in her eyes "Anakin,your breaking my heart, I'd not know you anymore, your going down a path I can't follow.." Anakin looked at her coldly "The Jedi turned against me, don't you turn against me!" Padme grabbed his arms " stop!stop now! Please I love you!" Anakin face suddenly turned angry "Liar! " Padme spun around to see Obi Wan at the bridge of her ship. She turned towards Anakin "No!" She pleaded. Anakin looked at her "your with him! You brought him here to kill me!" Padme tried to scream no again but the air was taken from her lungs. She grasped her throat and looked to see Anakin choking her through the force. "Let her go Anakin!!" She heard Obi Wan demand "Let.her.go!" He demanded more sternly. She seen Anakin finally let off of his grip . And all she seen was his angry face before she went spiraling into darkness."

Padme sat up covered in sweat. She stared at the wall and started sobbing violently. She didn't want to remember that memory, not ever again. Sola sat up with a start and ran over to her sister running her back as she cried. "Padme what's wrong?!" She asked her voice full of concern. Padme shook "Anakin..Obi Wan!" Sola soon understood what she had been dreaming about and realized what had happened that night "Padme he..he hurt you?" Padme nodded and continued sobbing. Sola shook her head "it was just a dream it wasn't real Padme." Padme nodded as her sobbing turned into soft crying. Sola kissed her forehead and layed Padme back down pulling the covers up to her chin. Padme soon fell back into a black vortex of sleep and Jo more dreams corrupted her.

Hello itsa jane! Sorry for the sad ending but you'll love me for the next chapter! I promise you all!

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