Demigods Gods and Facebook

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Hazel updated her status:

Hazel: I'm glad Nico taught me how to use Facebook.


Nico: You're welcome sis.

Percy: Nico when did you get a Facebook?

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Nico: Last month when I saw everyone else had one.

Hades: I didn't know you were this advanced for a ten year old Nico.

Nico: I'm fifteen dad -_-

Nico: Technically

Hazel: Quit being grumpy Nico.

Percy and Hades liked this

Nico: What do you people have against me!

Nico, Hades, and Percy have logged off

Hazel: Who knew I was missing this much.


Leo has updated his status:

Leo: Help Connor and Travis won't leave me alone!


Connor: We need

Travis: your help

Annabeth: Was it Drew?

Connor: Yes

Travis: Help us Leo

Connor: Help us Annabeth

Annabeth has logged off

Drew: Stoooooolllls!!!!!!!!!

Travis: Please Leo

Connor: Help us

Leo has logged off


Katie has updated her status:

Katie: Has anybody seen Travis? We were supposed to go on a date last night.


Annabeth: He is in the infirmary with Connor

Katie: What happened to them

Piper: Drew happened

Katie: That makes sense


Percy has posted a video called "Nyan Cat"


Percy: I love love love love love love love love love Nyan Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason: What happened to him?

Leo: He watched Nyan Cat.

Annabeth: I just hope he doesn't watch "What does a fox say"


Percy updated his status:

Percy: What does a fox say?!?! Ring a ding a ding ding


Annabeth: *facepalms*

Jason: Thanks Annabeth you jinxed it

Leo liked this

Annabeth: -_-

Leo: Must dismantle YouTube from Percy's computer.

Annabeth and Jason liked this

Percy: What does a fox say?!?!

Annabeth, Jason, and Leo have logged off

Percy: I didn't know I was that annoying.



Percy: What does an author say (except Rick Riordan)

Me: I don't own Pjooooooo and Hoooooo

Percy: That is so old

Me: And annoying

What did you think hope you enjoyed it.


Gods, Demigods, and Facebook(Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now