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Leo has changed his relationship status from SINGLE to IN A RELATIONSHIP
Jason: Congrats man

Piper: Who's the lucky lady

AphroditeBeauty: Is it Reyna? Or Calypso? Or is it somebody new?

Reyna: No just no

Leo: I don't know

Percy: What do you mean

Leo: I never knew I had a girlfriend until right now

i_love_valdezzzz: Hello my love

Leo: What in Hades

i_love_valdezzzz: What's for dinner tonight

Leo: Whatever your parents are making

i_love_valdezzzz: I didn't know you were coming over!!! I'll tell my parents

Leo: No. I meant I don't know you, I don't date you, and I'm not going to dinner with you. So whatever your parents are having is what YOU are having

i_love_valdezzzz: You are too funny. You will be mine Leo Valdez. MINE!

i_love_valdezzzz has logged off

Reyna: Well was it just me or was that awkward
Annabeth has updated her status:

Annabeth: I'm breaking up with you Percy!~ Percy

Piper: Yeah we're done too, Jason

Katie: Same thing Travis

Hazel: We're through Frank

AphroditeBeauty: OMG! What in Hades just happened!?!?

Percy: She's gone!!!!! D *****:

Jason: How? Why? What did I do wrong!!!??? :****(

Travis: My Katie Kat just gone. Left. D:

Frank: Why?? What did Leo do to her!!!!?

AphroditeBeauty: Calm down boys and Frank, Leo did nothing to her

Percy: Then what happened Lady Aphrodite

AphroditeBeauty: Somebody broke into my house somehow and stole my break up love potion

Jason: What

AphroditeBeauty: I know!

Travis: I think he meant what do you mean by break up love potion

Jason: Thanks Travis

Travis: Your welcome

AphroditeBeauty: I have many love potions and other things that deal with love. The break up love potion makes the drinker break up with whomever they are dating

Percy: I bet Athena did this

Athena The Wise: I didn't do it you sea scum. I never thought about it until now

Frank: I bet that i_love_valdezzzz girl must have done it since she wants Leo but can't get him. So she takes away our loves as revenge

i_love_valdezzzz: You are right. I didn't mean for it to go this far. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?

Percy: Sure just change them back

Jason: Alright but how did you get on our private chat

Travis: Fine

Frank: Okay

AphroditeBeauty: How did you get into my house

Leo: I'll go on 1, just ONE, date with you

i_love_valdezzzz: Thanks Leo
Annabeth has updated her status:

Annabeth: Sorry Percy~ Percy


Percy: That's alright

Piper: Sorry Jason

Jason: You didn't mean to

Katie: Sorry Travis

Travis: It's fine

Hazel: Sorry Frank

Frank: It's okay

Leo: I'm single and you all know it
Sorry all you Lazel shippers but I ship Frazel! Please vote and comment

- Alena

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