Fancy Names Bro

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ønnør has updated his status:

ønnør: I'm so awesome!!!!!!

@9•££• liked this


Katie: Why are your names like that

+r@v!$: Because it is awesome this way

Katie: Weirdos

@9££•: That's not very nice

Katie: -_-


9!93r has updated her status:

9!93r: Connor!!!! ~ €ønnør


ønnør: Somebody call

9!93r: Change it back

ønnør: Never!!!!

9!93r: Shouldn't you be doing this to like Katie. No offense.

Katie: None taken

ønnør: There isn't way to make a "K" fancy. Plus she is Travis's girlfriend so I'm suppose to be "nice" to her

Katie: What's that suppose to mean

€ønnør: Nothing

9!93r: Then why don't you just use a regular K

€ønnør: Because that is just plain boring


93r€¥ has updated his status:

93r€¥: We're awesome and we know it~ ønnør, +r@v!$, @9££•, J@$ōn, £3ò


Piper: Why am I not up there

Piper: My name is normal again!

Annabeth: Me too

Katie: Me three

J@$ōn: Because it would be weird

93r¥: Because your names aren't cool

+r@v!$: Because you are our girlfriends

ønnør: And this is a guys thing

@9££•: Because we, more of me, are awesome!!!!!

£3ò: And you are girls

Piper: You have three seconds. 1

Annabeth: 2

£3ò: No please. We beg of you

Katie: 3

Piper, Annabeth, and Katie have logged out

ønnør: Run for your lives!!!

Everybody else has logged off for the fear of their lives


Jason has updated his status:

Jason: Am I the only one out of the infirmary?


Percy: Just got out today bro

Jason: Cool bro

Percy: Want to go on a double date bro

Jason: Sure bro


Nico has updated his status:

Nico: Hey bros


Percy: Sup bro

Jason: Hey Nicbro

Nico: What you doing Jabro and Percbro

Percy: Not much Nicbro

Jason: Want to go see a movie Percbro and Nicbro

Nico: Sure Jasbro

Percy: Sounds goods Jasbro

Leo: Sup bros

Jason: No

Nico: Just no

Percy: What the heck Leo

Leo: -_-


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