Celebrity Name Game

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Uncle Ricky has updated his status:

Uncle Ricky: Let the games begin!!



Mickey Mouse: Hi

Rick Riordan: Hi Octavian

Mickey Mouse: How did you know it was me :(

Jennifer Lawrence: Because you have probably killed Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse: I have and I bet you are Leo

Jennifer Lawrence: No

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Hi

Logan Lerman: Sup

Si Robertson: Hey Jack

Uncle Ricky: I hope who ever did me wins

John Green: I will win

Phineas Flynn: Si has to be Leo

Si Robertson: No jack

Ferb Fletcher: John Green, are you the REAL John Green or part of the game

John Green: Part of the game Travis

Ferb Fletcher: How

John Green: It had to be you or Connor. So Connor is Phineas

Phineas Flynn: Wrong

Ferb Fletcher: I don't know who Connor is

Peter Pan: Sup

Uncle Ricky: Two down eight to go


Travis has updated his status:

Travis: Logan Lerman is Jason!!!


Phineas Flynn: I wish. Crap

Rick Riordan: Jason is Phineas

Travis: Jennifer has to be Leo

Rick Riordan: Somebody already asked that and it wasn't Leo

Travis: Who does Jennifer Lawrence play?

Rick Riordan: Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games

Travis: What is her weapon

Rick Riordan: Bow and arrow

John Green: Frank is Jennifer

Jennifer Lawrence: -_-  -.- I hate you all

Uncle Ricky: Six are left


Octavian has updated his status:

Octavian: Just going on a long shot but Bill Nye has to be Leo


John Green: He is scientifically in training and is always bonkers discovering and making things

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Yeah I'm Leo and I'm guessing your Chiron

John Green: Fair play boy

Uncle Ricky: Four left


Uncle Ricky has updated his status:

Uncle Ricky: Hermes, Connor, Hazel, and Nico are left. Peter Pan, Logan Lerman, Rick Riordan, and Si Robertson are the names left.


Peter Pan: Hi

Frank: Si is Hermes

Si Robertson: Actually the complete opposite Jack

Peter Pan: If he is the opposite of the awesome Hermes then it must be Mico!

Si Robertson: It's Nico -_-

Peter Pan: Whatever

Logan Lerman: Never knew you were that advanced Nico. Oh and dad I know you're Peter Pan

Peter Pan: How did you know it was me Connor

Logan Lerman: Peter Pan flies and steals and you called yourself awesome. Crap

Peter Pan: I don't fly. I have winged shoes and I don't steal. I borrow without asking


Uncle Ricky has updated his status:

Uncle Ricky: Hazel/ Rick Riordan wins!!!!!!!!!!!


Hazel: Thanks!

Leo: How did you win

Hazel: I knew the rest of you were dumb enough to not put the pieces together. No offense Chiron. And Hermes

Chiron: None taken Ms. Levesque

Hermes: Your mail will be late


Trivia: What is the name of the poodle in The Lightning Thief? First person to get it right gets dedication.

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