Hit Me With A Paper Plate

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Leo has updated his status:

Leo: Put up your Deuce let's get down to it.


Percy: Hit me with your best shot

Jason: And fire away

Frank: I said hit me with a paper plate and eat it.

Leo: / _

. .

Percy: What the heck! We were singing a song.

Frank: I thought we were talking about experiences.

Jason: What kind of experience did you have Frank?

Frank: Don the faun hit me with a paper plate and then ate it.

Percy: Ok


Jason has changed his name to Sparky.

Piper has changed her name to Beauty Queen.

Leo has changed his name to Repair Boy.

Percy has changed his name to Seaweed Brain.

Annabeth has changed her name to Wise Girl.

Frank has changed his name to Fai Klutz.

Hazel has changed her name to Witch Girl.

163 other people have changed their names.


Witch Girl has updated her status:

Witch Girl: Who in Pluto changed my name to THIS?!?!


Uncle Ricky: HEHE

Beauty Queen: Why did you change them?

Uncle Ricky: I wanted to give your name some pizzazz

Horse Man: Mr. Riordan we have the childr- what the Hades?

Messenger: Mine isn't that bad. Btw it's Hermes.

Thing 1: Really dad!

Thing 2: Yeah really don't use lingo.

Messenger: I'm guessing Thing 1 is Travis and Thing 2 is Connor because of your ages?

Thing 1: Yep

Thing 2: You're good

Huntress: Mine is good. It's Thalia

Death Breath: Why

Huntress: It fits you just right Nico

Death Breath: How did you know it was me

Huntress: What do I call you

Death Breath: I get it now

Wise Girl: Percy it's our names we call each other!

Seaweed Brain: Thanks Rick!

Sparky: Are you just giving us the names that the people around us call us?

Uncle Ricky: Yep

Fai Klutz: What about me

Uncle Ricky: Your grandma calls you Fai and almost everybody at Camp Jupiter calls you a klutz

Fai Klutz: Touché


Seaweed Brain has updated his status ( if you haven't read or finished HoH don't read this section go to the next one.):

Seaweed Brain: I miss Bob! :*(


Wise Girl: I know you do

Death Breath: Bob was awesome

Huntress: Oh I remember Bob. He was friendly

Seaweed Brain: * Cries hard*

Bob: Poor Percy


Sparky has updated his status:

Sparky: When do we get our names changed back?~ Messenger, Thing 1, Thing 2, Uncle Ricky

170 people liked this


Messenger: I've tried but it won't work

Thing 1: Can't get mine to work either

Thing 2: Me too

Repair Boy: If the Stolls and Hermes can't get our names back

Horse Man: This isn't good

Witch Girl: Please change them back Rick!

170 people liked this

Uncle Ricky: I will-

Fai Klutz: Great

Uncle Ricky: Next year when the Blood of Olympus comes out

170 people disliked this

Repair Boy: -_-


Remember comment ideas to get a dedication. Don't own Pjo or HoO.


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