Christmas Gifts

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Leo has posted a video called " Grandma got run over by a reindeer"


Leo: This is for you Hera!

Queen of Olympus: Why you little

Mr. Mechanics101: Don't you dare finish that mother

Annabeth: Leo you are a genius!

Leo: Thank you

Percy: Yeah you are except for me she is my aunt :( Could you do grandpa got run over by a reindeer

Leo: I'll try

Percy: :D

Kronos: Well I see how it is

Percy: What

Kronos: No gift for you

Percy: What were you going to get me

Kronos: 100 drachmas and two New York City trip passes

Percy: Um I live in New York City

Kronos: I know but these passes include an exclusive tour of the Metropolitan AND the the Museum of Natural History, an exclusive tour of the Yankee or the Met's stadium, free rides and line cuts at Coney Island for an hour, free admission to the Bronx Zoo and behind the scene tour, a show on Broadway, a half hour FREE shopping spree on Time Square, and a party with 150, including the two of you, in Central Park for the night!

Percy: Can I get it back

Kronos: Maybe, what are you getting me?

Percy: Uh.... One free one hour trip up here and a two hour trip in the Underworld

Kronos: Okay. Then you can have it back


Private Chat

Percy: Can Kronos come to Earth for an hour and the Underworld for two hours?

Hades: No

Mr. ThunderMan: No

Percy: He can be heavily guarded

Hades: For the Underworld, yes as long as he is heavily guarded

Mr. ThunderMan: No

Percy: Come on! Think of all the things I've done for you

Mr. ThunderMan: What is he doing for you

Percy: He's getting me 100 drachmas and two New York City trip passes which include an exclusive tour of the Metropolitan AND the the Museum of Natural History, an exclusive tour of the Yankee or the Met's stadium, free rides and line cuts at Coney Island for an hour, free admission to the Bronx Zoo and behind the scene tour, a show on Broadway, a half hour FREE shopping spree on Time Square, and a party with 150, including the two of you, in Central Park for the night!

Mr. ThunderMan: Fine and have fun


Percy has posted a message:

Percy: You are allowed~ Kronos


Kronos: Yeah :D


Piper has posted a message:

Piper: Merry Christmas! What did you get for Christmas?


Piper: Just post one thing you got

Piper: I got a book of everything

Jason: A what

Piper: A book of everything. It can show you everything and anything when you want it. I got it from my mom

Jason: I got lightning bolt footy pajamas from Thalia

Thalia: I got a new bow from Jason

Percy: I got a ton of blue cookies

Annabeth: You got like a hundred cookies

Percy: No I got a ton

Annabeth: So like a lot

Percy: No! A ton, like 2,000 pounds which is a ton

Annabeth: Oh! I got the same thing Piper from my mom

Piper: Oh cool

Leo: I got Festus back! Thanks dad!

Mr. Mechanics101: Your welcome Leo

Nico: I got a new shirt from Hazel

Hazel: I got a puppy from Frank and it turned out to be Frank

Frank: I got a kiss from Hazel


Annabeth posted a photo album called " Percy and I: New York Exclusive"


Percy: That was the best trip ever!

Annabeth: I know! I can't believe they let your mom and Paul come too

Percy: Was that a bad thing?

Annabeth: No. It's just they had no ticket

Percy: The guy who managed all of this was Paul's brother and then you know Kronos bought the tickets

Annabeth: Oh right

Piper: Oh that looked like it was so much fun

Annabeth: We didn't have the party though

Jason: Why not

Percy: Because a party in cold, snowy Central Park wouldn't be fun. So the party is in the beginning of spring

Leo: Okay and count me in!


Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you all had a good day. So I'm wondering if I should writes chapter with the party? Comment what you think. If I do it would be sometime in the next few chapters.


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