Ship Me

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Rachel has updated her status:

Rachel: Who knew how many ships and OTPs there were.

1,473 people liked this


Hazel: What the heck is a ship and otp.

AphroditeBeauty: Couples. I trained the Fangirls well.

Fangirls: Thanks Aphrodite!

AphroditeBeauty: You're very welcome. They learn easily. You can combine any names. Their lists go on FOREVER!

Thalia: What are some of the ships?

AphroditeBeauty: Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Fangirls: Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Piper: -_- You shouldn't have said that. -_-

Fangirls and AphroditeBeauty disliked this

AphroditeBeauty: Percabeth is my FAVORITE! I also like Jiper, Frazel, Leyna, Tratie, Thalico, Charlena, Thaluke, Claris, Solangelo, and Ractavian are just a few of my favorite.

Thalia: What the Hades is Thalico and Thaluke?!?! I'm a hunter!

Reyna: What is Leyna? On second thought I don't want to know.

Rachel: I'd want to know what Ractavian but I don't want to know either.

AphroditeBeauty: Thalico is Thalia and Nico, Thaluke is Thalia and Luke, Leyna is Leo and Reyna, and Ractavian is Rachel and Octavian!

Reyna, Thalia, and Rachel disliked this

Thalia:1.) I'm a hunter. 2.) Luke is dead. 3.) Why would I date death breath.

Reyna: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leo: Come on Rey-Rey!!!

Reyna: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel: Why am I with Octopus?

Octavian: It's Octavian. I would never date a Greek.

Rachel: -_-

AphroditeBeauty: Love it!

Rachel: You do know I'm the oracle so I can't date right.

Octavian liked this

Octavian: Thank the gods.

AphroditeBeauty: Oh I'll make all of these happen. Except the ones that have already happened. I'm THE goddess of LOVE!

Piper: They just had to ask.


Leo has updated a his status:

Leo: My favorite ships are Leyna and the Argo II ;)


Reyna: How many times do I have to tell you No! No! No!

Leo: She actually talked to me :D

Reyna:*rolls eyes* *facepalms*

AphroditeBeauty: The magic of love! :D


Uncle Rickie has followed Jason, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, and 464 more people.


Uncle Rickie has updated his status:

Uncle Rickie: Hey everybody!!!!!

:) :D


Percy: Who are you?

Uncle Rickie: I am the great Rick Riordan! The author of you people series! BTW I ship Percabeth; even though I threw them in Tartarus.

Annabeth: How did you know about that!?!?

Uncle Rickie: I know all

AphroditeBeauty: I like this guy. He ships percabeth!!!!!!


Happy ship day!. I don't ship Ractavian but I saw on Uncle Rick's twitter that there might be some Ractavian moments in HoH. I don't own Pjo or HoO. Remember you comment ideas for next chapter and it can get dedicated to you. Comment your Ships too. No Judging. If any body comments there ships.


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