Party!!!!! and the end

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NOTE: This party takes place on Valentine's Day.


Percy has updated his status:

Percy: Party in Central Park tonight!!!!~ Leo, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Rachel, Nico, Thalia, Sally, and 138 more people


Sally: Percy you didn't have to invite Paul and I

Percy: Annabeth insisted

Annabeth: I did

Reyna: Is any one besides Frank, Hazel, and I coming from Camp Jupiter

Annabeth: Ask Percy

Percy: You three, Dakota, Gwen, and Don

Reyna: Don?

Hazel: Don the Faun

Percy: Yep. I figured him and Grover could meet each other

Grover: Awesome!!!

Clarisse: Am I invited punk

Annabeth: Yes Clarisse you and Chris both

Annabeth: To make this simple these people are coming- Me, Percy, Sally, Paul, Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Dakota, Reyna, Gwen, Don, Grover, Juniper, Thalia, Nico, Rachel, the 12 Olympians, Hades, Persephone, Hestia, Tyson, Travis, Connor, Clarisse, Chris, Katie, Miranda, Chiron, The Hunters, and the rest of Camp Half-Blood.

Percy: If any one doesn't or can't want to come let us know



Music blared from the speakers over the loud crowd. Everyone was with a partner for the Valentine's dance. None of the Hunters, except for Thalia, showed up to the party.

Percy and Annabeth walked away from the floor and down by a fountain where it was quiet. Everyone was crazy because Dakota had brought some of his kool aide. Now everyone was drunk from the over sugary drink except for Percy and Annabeth.

" That was a fun party," Percy said." I love how everyone forgot that that was Dakota's kool aide and drank like a gallon each."

Annabeth laughed at Percy." I take it people getting drunk on kool aide was your favorite part," Percy nodded." My favorite part would have to be this."

Percy stared at Annabeth." Wha-" She cut him off when she smashed her lips into his. Percy pulled back." Yep this is now my favorite part." Percy then kissed her back.


Mark Zuckerberg has posted an announcement:

Mark Zuckerberg: Due to other things going on, limited space, and no interest I am shutting down accounts


Hazel: What!! I just got my account like six months ago

Mark Zuckerberg: Sorry

Hazel: But we have interest in these accounts

Mark Zuckerberg: No you don't and I have to make room for those who do have interest

Hazel: What like 6 people

Mark Zuckerberg: No more than that but fictional characters don't need accounts

Hazel: Who are you calling fictional and besides isn't your dad Hermes

Mark Zuckerberg has logged off

Hazel: That's what I thought



Short chapter. Crappy chapter. Stupid chapter. Crappy party. End chapter. I wanted to end this story because I was loosing interest in it. That is also a reason why the party was crappy. I want to focus on my other stories Odair's Boy and The Children of the Heroes. When those two stories are over or sooner I want to post a story I've wanting to write for about a month now but haven't had the time to get to it. It is not a fan fiction. A final reason I ended this book is because there are a lot of Pjo Facebook or other messaging site books out there. So I'm sorry if you hate me because I'm ending this book but I'm also putting my head cannon and one shot book on a sort of hiatus. So I'm sorry but thanks for reading my work. It makes me feel like I have a purpose in this world.


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