Guys and Gals

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Leo has updated his status:

Leo: Guy day tomorrow!!!!!!~Percy, Jason, Frank, Nico, Travis, Conner, Will s.


Apollo: Can I come

Hermes: Me too

Leo: NO

Hermes: But were guys

Leo: You are gods

Apollo: We're guy gods

Leo: You cannot come because it's a guy party

Apollo: We're guy gods

Leo: Human guys

Hermes: Technically your not human

Leo: Whatever your not coming

Piper: Can I come

Annabeth: Me too

Hazel: Me three

Katie: Me four

Rachel: Me five

Thalia: Me six

Leo: No!!!! It's a guys party


Nico has posted a message:

Nico: So what are we doing at this party?~Leo


Percy: Good question Nico

Frank: Yeah what are we doing

Jason: You have to tell us Leo or we won't go

Travis: Does it involve pranks

Conner: Does it involve we may get thrown into jail

Will s.: Does it involve music

Leo: Okay we will start off the afternoon by going to Andy's Pizza Shack, followed by a half hour at the arcade, then we head to Manhattan's Bowling Lanes for a game bowling, next we go to CS Girls

Conner: Oh I love that store

Percy: Me too

Leo: Then we head to Archie's Amusement Park where we will ride the Velociraptor, have a game of mini golf, and do 10 laps in the go-karts, after that we go to Izzy's Ice Cream Palace, then we go see the movie Pompeii, next we head to Bob's Burger Mansion, and finally to end our night we head to the new club Mystique.

Jason: Awesome

Franks: Sweet

Will s.: This will be fun

Nico: This will be a great day for us guys





Annabeth: We have to spy on the boys

Hazel: It's just a guys night what could go wrong

Katie: Everything can go wrong on a guys night

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