Epic Fails

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Will s. has posted a video called " Epic Archery Fails"


Apollo: Oh my gods that is hilarious

Frank: Lol

Hazel: Seriously Frank. But that is really funny

Piper: When was this taken

Will s.: Today

Annabeth: Percy you make up almost the whole video!!

Percy: So that's why you wanted me to do some archery today Will

Will s.: Yep

Chiron: Will, kitchen duty for a month

Will s.: Why

Chiron: You endangered the camp

Will s.: How did I endanger the camp

Percy: Ooh can I type it Chiron

Chiron: Yes you may Percy

Percy: Anyone who lets Percy Jackson do archery gets one month of either kitchen duty, stable clean up, or Mrs. O'Leary clean up.

Will s.: Still don't get it

Will s.: Don't I get to pick since it says either

Percy: No

Percy: I suck at archery and I could hurt anybody in the camp. I can shoot backwards with out even trying. So anybody who has me do archery gets punished

Will s.: Oh rats

George: Did somebody say rats

Hermes: Shut up George

Hermes: Sorry about that

Hermes and George have logged off


Percy has posted an event:

Percy: Canoe Races at the lake!!! All who like this event are those who are in it. HUNTERS AND CAMPERS ONLY!

13 people have liked this


Jason: Percy there's an odd number

Percy: I'm 14

Jason: Okay

Percy: There will be seven teams of two. You need to go around the whole lake four times. On each time you will go past an island. You HAVE to stop on the island. When you land there will be a table with envelops with the team's name on it. Inside each envelop there is a card with a riddle of a location on the island where a flag is. Collect the flag with your team's name on it. First team to go around four times with their four flags win

Conner: What are the prizes

Percy: 1st= No chores for one month, 100 drachmas each, bragging rights, get to pick every cabins schedule for the week includes chores, extra dessert for one month, one hour later curfew, and get to sit with friends, that aren't at your table, for all meals for a day.

Conner: And that's just first place

Percy: Yep

Annabeth: Chiron planned this!

Percy: It was his idea

Piper: Wow. Do second and third place get anything

Percy: 2nd= No chores for three weeks, 75 drachmas each, pick YOUR OWN schedule for a week, not your whole cabin, extra dessert for a week, half hour later curfew.

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