Chapter 4

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Adam's POV

Everyone leaves but me. Tim went to record and Max was straightening up the kitchen. I was sitting on the couch, watching Max. We weren't talking, though.

"So, how's your new channel coming?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles.

"It's great! It's doing better than I expected, actually." He exclaimed.

"That's great! We all miss you at the office, though. Especially me, haha." I laugh. His face turned red with blush.

"Y-you do?" He asked. He tried hiding his face when he realized he was blushing.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I chuckled. He started walking toward his bedroom door.

"I'll- I'll be right back." He stuttered, and disappeared into his room.

I sat in the living room for what felt like ages. I smelt smoke, but brushed it off as a near by neighbor. A familiar wind made the smell of smoke leave after a few minutes.

Max didn't come out, so I decided to check on him. I got up to go knock on his door. His room wasn't locked, and he didn't answer, so I decided to come in. The room was dark, other than a couple candles.

"Max?" I whisper, wondering where he was. I look over at his bed, and there he was. He was asleep under the his red blankets. He looked so cute cute when he was asleep.

I decide to look around his room. I get out my phone I get the flashlight on so I could see. I pointed it down so it wouldn't wake Max. I turn around a tilt it up, and what it lands on is disturbing, but oddly satisfying. It was a shrine- not just any shrine, a shrine of me. I look at it for a minute, examining what was there, then it hit me.

"He- what?!?" I thought. I was about to scream, but then it all came out- only because of the fear of loving again.


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