Chapter 5

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Max's POV

I open my eyes groggily after I hear Adam scream. Everything was blurry because I just woke up, but I could make out someone standing in front of me. Wait- someone standing in front of me?!

I rub my eyes and sit up, looking at the person, waiting for my vision to clear up. I can make out the body type and face and, to my luck, it's Adam.

"Adam!" I scream. Did he see my shrine? I stand up and look at it. Nothing was touched, but he looked scared.

"Max, what is this?" He asks in a high pitched voice. I grab his hand without thinking and pull him out of my room, closing the door behind me.

"You weren't meant to see that." I mutter in fear that he was disgusted with me. He smiles and laughs.

"I never thought you would take your crush on me that far! It's scary, but it's actually kind of cute." He chuckles. He grabs me and pulls me in for a bro-hug. I have butterflies in my stomach, both good and bad. He actually hugged me, but it was a friend-zone hug.

"Friend-zoned? Why, Adam, why?" I think. He looks at me with a flirtatious/shocked/happy smile- it was pretty unique.

"Oh, really?" He mutters, but loud enough for me to hear it. I blush, realizing what I did.

"I said that, didn't I?" I sigh. He nods and chuckles a bit. I'm so dumb! But whiles it's already awkward, why not make it more awkward?

I move my face toward his and close my eyes. I hear him gasp, and he grabs my waist.

"Hey, guys, I'm done recording. Woah, what's going on here?" Tim practically yells, storming into the kitchen. Adam and I pull away quick.

"I thought there was a bug in his eye. I was checking." Adam says calmly.

"Oh, alright. I'm just getting a water, so don't mind me, wink wink." He laughs. Adam joins, so I awkwardly join with them.

A few minutes of talking later, Tim leaves, leaving me and Adam together.

"Well, I should get going." Adam sighs. I look at him understandingly, but I die a little on the inside.

"Oh, okay." I sigh. We get up from the couch and head to the door.

"I'll see you sometime soon, okay?" He asks, putting his hands on my waist. I feel myself blush. Without thinking, I slap him. He gasps, and holds his cheek. He looks at me, surprised.

"Uh- sorry!" I say, scared he would be mad.

"Uh, yeah. Bye." He says, unamused. He shakes my hand and leaves.

Why am I such a screw up?

I have art that I need to put in this book from the first one. Remember Ross in a box? Haha. I was asked to draw it, so I did. I will post it as soon as I get my camera working.


**Bonus that doesn't go along with the story line at all**

3rd Person POV

Max walks downstairs, remembering when he first met his mate. He gets some microwave corn dogs from the pantry, wondering what his next video should be now that he is more popular than Pewdiepie. He makes the corn dogs, one for him, one for his cute yandere girlfriend. She walks downstairs, hugging him.

"Hey Kitty!" He chuckles.

"Hi Max~Senpai!" She giggles.

They both sit down at the kitchen table eating. Max plans out his video schedule for next week, and Kitty writes something.

"Max~Senpai is mine. If anyone ever tries to take him from me, they will be brutally murdered, and no evidence will be left. He is mine forever, whether he likes it or not. Max~Senpai x Kitty~Chan forever." She writes. She writes it over and over, meaning every word. She writes it twenty times, and finishes her food. She then folds the paper, putting it in her purse.

Max and Kitty then leave the house. And Kitty remembers her knife.

**That was all. Haha, love you guys!**

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