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[ a/n; this is gonna be cavity-inducing sweetness and fluff. prepare yourself~ ]

"ugh, what is that..?"

for the past hour, harry has been hearing an incessant scratching noise. it sounds terribly close to him. but he'd looked around pretty thoroughly.

he arrives home shortly, in an irritated mood. he has a headache now, that scratching sound had been nonstop his whole walk home.. but now it was silent.

he steps inside his small apartment and dropped his backpack on the floor, quite startled to hear a squeak when he did so.

"what on earth?" he stares at it, poking the bag with his finger. it squeaks again.

he hesitantly unzips the bag, holding a heavy book in his free hand. "i'm too tired for this.."

as soon as the bag is a smidge unzipped, a tiny pair of ears pop out.

"holy crap!" he gasps, falling on his bum, as he discovers that the ears are attached to a tiny head, and the head is on a little body, and that little body is coming towards him.


what the heck, is all harry can think. this little thing in front of  him is making him question his sanity.

"food? food?"

it's only a few inches tall, with caramel colored hair, and tiny little ears, and a tiny little tail.

and it's begging for food.

harry looks around, grabbing a handful of swedish fish from his coffee table. he offers one to the little thing, staring.

"uh, you.. you have a name?"

the tiny hybrid gratefully accepts the fish, biting off it's candy head in one nibble. "louis!"

holy shoot, harry thinks. "so, are you a boy then, louis?"

"boy? no, louis is a kitty." he speaks in third person!

"a boy kitty?" harry tries.

louis lifts the scrap of blue fabric which is tied around him like a tiny dress. "oh, yes, louis is." he says, looking at himself.

"uhh," harry is suddenly speechless as louis climbs into his palm, grabbing another fish candy.

"what this?" louis asks, clicking his tongue as the sticky candy clings to his teeth. "louis likes."

"swedish fish. it's candy. are kitties allowed to have sugar?" harry asks curiously.

" 'lowed?" louis stares, rather confused. "oh. yes, louis 'lowed, louis thinks."

harry smiles a bit. he's very cute.

after he's eaten the rest of the candies, louis curls up in harry's palm. "louis need sleeps now. tired."

harry is left speechless again, as the little kitty falls asleep in his hand.

he carries him upstairs, to his room, setting him on a pillow.

he gets a shoebox, putting the pillow inside, before tucking the boy in with a few tissues.

harry brushes his hair back, smiling as the kitten began to purr. he sits on his bed, watching him for a bit before falling asleep himself.

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