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harry doesn't put louis in his tiny dollhouse bed as he usually would when they get home. no, he's way too worried.

he lays him on a pillow beside him, then falls asleep, hoping louis will be okay. he's so tiny, what if he gets alcohol poisoning? that party was a terrible idea. he feels awful.

he wakes up to the sound of squeaky coughing, and grimaces when he sees that louis has puked all over his pillow.

once louis stops coughing, harry scoops him up. "i'm sorry, louis." he sighs softly, going to the living room and sticking him in the bathroom of his tiny house.

"here, if you need to puke again, there's the toilet.." he pats his back as the tiny kitten bends over the toilet. "the alcohol was a bad idea, louis."

the kitten coughs. "louis know that, harry." he says in a miserable voice.

harry sighs. "you probably have a headache, and i can't even give you tylenol to help, because you're so small."

he groans, and harry sighs again. "i know. just hop in the shower. it'll help." he says, nudging him with a finger.

louis bats his hand away, glaring. "shut door, harry."

"oh, right—" harry says, shutting the house quickly. "i'll be getting a shower as well. i'll be back."

he takes a quick shower, thinking over what he could give louis to make him feel better. he probably has some crackers? and some ginger ale..

he dries off and grabs his phone, laying on his bed with nothing on but a towel. he scrolls down his facebook feed, feeling fine until he sees a post from a friend who was at last night's party.

"so there was this weird thing at zayn's house last night? tell me i'm not the only one who remembers it?"

there's a picture attached — it's a picture of louis being squeezed in some guy's hand.. it's really low-quality, the lighting is bad and the camera is out of focus.

there's a comment that says, "that's obviously photoshopped man get out of here"

and another that says, "no, it was legit! i have a video of it! i'll dm you"

harry's heart drops. seriously? how is he going to come back from this?

he messages the person who posted the picture, and the person who said they had the video.

"hey man. could you not spread that video? that was my niece's doll that she left in my backpack, and i guess someone was digging through my stuff and got it.. that kind of embarrasses me lmao. so if you could please delete that? and ask anyone you sent it to to delete it? i'm not keen on everyone thinking i play with weird dolls."

he's hoping and praying the excuse works.

the guy who posted the picture replies instantly, saying that he understands, and the post was deleted.

the video person, however, hasn't responded. he's admittedly freaking out.

he falls asleep on his bed for a half hour, till the person messages back.

"are you serious? just a doll? it's so real looking."

harry slips on pants and runs into the living room, knocking on the door.

"who is it!" louis yells, and harry makes a face. "it's harry. who else would it be?"

"okay! open!"

harry opens the house, sighing. "i need you to do me a favor, louis. can you lay on the bed and look like a doll? cause uh. i need pictures."

louis sighs. "okay, louis guess." he flops onto the bed, making his joints go all stiff, holding his arms at angles.

"okay. don't move." harry says, doing a sweep of the bedroom, catching the room on video. hopefully this is believable.

"alright, thanks, lou." he watches the video over, humming. "okay.. i think this is good.." he glances down at louis. "i'm gonna bring you some crackers and ginger ale. sound okay?"

"no, sprite." louis says, clapping. "sprite?"

"oh, yeah, i have some." he smiles. "hold on." he runs to the kitchen, bringing back a few oyster crackers and a medicine cup full of sprite.

"thank." louis says, holding out his tiny pitcher. harry fills it up, and puts the crackers on the countertop.

"no prob." harry says. "want me to shut the house..?"

"no," louis says, sitting at his island counter. "open. stay here, harry. lonely." he says, admittedly.

harry smiles, sitting on the floor nearby, so he's eye level with the kitchen.

he sends the video to the person, with a message that says, "she left her dollhouse here for safekeeping. but like. don't tell anyone about it. lol."

they respond, "oh wow man. nice house. nicer than mine lol."

"mine too tbh lmao. but yeah."

"okay mate. it's deleted."

"thanks a ton."

harry sighs in relief, watching louis nibble on his crackers.

"louis is sorry, harry." he says quietly.

"hey, it's fine." he smiles a bit, petting his head. "you just wanted to party, too. but you gotta be careful! we can get into real trouble."

"right.." louis mumbles. "understand."

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