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drinking is mentioned a lot here!
just a warning!


"hey, man!" harry nearly drops his phone when he hears the loud voice on the other end. it's niall, his old room mate.

"give me the phone, dummy."  there's some shuffling. harry does not have a single clue as to what's going on right now.

"hazza,"  now it's zayn. niall's current boyfriend and roommate. he's alright friends with him, it's been a while since he's spoken to either of them.

"hey, zayn. uh. niall, too." he laughs a bit. "um. what's up?"

"we're having a party later. we want you to come down. think you can?"

harry pauses. "what kind of party?"

"a lit party, harold. you in or you out? there's some cute boys here."

harry gives a pout. "urgh. i have to study.." he pauses again. "but i mean. it's been a long time since i've hung out with either of you. so i think i might come over. should i bring anything?"

"just yourself,"  zayn says. "unless you've got a mate you'd like to bring."

harry racks his brain for a response. "uh, you remember liam? can i bring him?"

"oh, liam. yeah, bring him!"

"okay. i'll see you." harry says, before hanging up. he suddenly regrets it, remembering his very small friend. louis.

well. surely he can explain the ordeal to him and he'll behave while harry's gone?

he walks into the living room, to the huge dollhouse, but to his surprise.. louis is already in bed for the night?

harry supposes it'll be fine to just go, then.

he grabs a backpack and stuffs it with important stuff — his wallet, phone charger.. he groans, remembering that he left his phone on his bed.

he runs to his room to grab it, texting liam quickly.

liam, of course, says he'd definitely like to go, but he will be driving. and he will be designated driver, because he doesn't like drinking, at all. he just loves to be around friends, niall especially.

harry texts back that he'll be waiting outside, grabs his backpack, and sits on the bench outside his apartment complex.

liam is quick to pick him up, and they head out.


the party is at niall and zayn's house, a big spacious townhouse. harry has always loved it here, it's very well decorated because zayn has a flourish for art and decor.

tonight, however, it's packed and hot and messy.

there's tons of people, laughing and chatting and smoking and drinking, harry feels out of place. till zayn runs up to him and hugs him, taking his bag and dropping it on a couch.

"hey, man! glad you're here. liam, you too!" he slugs liam's shoulder, and harry can tell he's a bit out of it. zayn has a crush on liam, even though he'd never tell. but it seems like he just might right now..

he hands harry an unopened bottle, smiling. "you like smirnoff, right?"

harry shrugs, popping it open. "yeah, man. thanks. how've you been?"

zayn wraps an arm around him, prattling on about life as he leads him away.

no one even notices the tiny thing crawling out of harry's backpack.

especially not the drunk girl who's cuddled up with the bag. she's abandoned her shot of vodka on the stand beside the couch, along with the screwdriver she spilled all over the stand.

zayn will have a cow once he's level headed. no, a whole farm.

but for louis, it's a miracle. he crawls up on the table, eagerly dipping a tiny paw in the full shot glass.

he lets out a squeak when he licks it, his nose crinkling. the taste of alcohol is different than he remembers.

he steps over to the puddle of spilled screwdriver, opting to lay on his tummy and lap that up instead. the cat part of him is cringing because he hates oranges! but the college boy in him is reveling in it!

"oh, holy crap! who left this here?"

he screeches when he finds himself in the air, kicking his little feet as he's lifted by the shirt collar.

"i must be tripping balls right now.." it's the drunk girl! she's picked him up! abort mission! abort mission! where's harry and liam!

"you're so cute, little dude.." she giggles, and he whines as she tucks him into her shirt, right between her huge boobs. oh man. he really wants harry right now! he's kinda scared! what if he gets crushed!

he hears snoring, and is relieved to see that she's passed out again. he squirms away from her, sitting up on the back of the couch, his face pink as he swoons. it just hit him.

he raises a brow as he stares at the strange people around the room, wondering where his harry is. he's had it with this mess. it's too loud! and he smells like sweat now!

he falls asleep at some point in time, and finds himself in the hands of someone, being prodded and poked.

"is it a doll?" "it must be. i think we're just super high, dude."

he sits up, letting out a meow as he looks around. everything is hazy.

"did you hear it!? it meowed!"

"dude, chill! i bet it's one of them mcdonald's toys. you know? they make noise when you shake em or push a button?"

"i don't see any buttons. shake him!"

suddenly there's a hand around his waist and he's being gripped way too tight for his liking. then he's being shook around, hard. it's too much to handle!

he lets out a yowl, puking all over himself and the big hand around him.

"ew, what the —"

by this time.. news of the doll has made way to harry. he finds himself in the living room, pushing through the crowd.

"give me that!" he says, grabbing louis with a yell, running to his backpack. "liam, let's go-"

liam is hot on his heels, running outside.

only when they're driving away does he dare to speak. "what are you going to do?"

"hide him, and hope they were too drunk to remember.." harry whispers, hugging the hiccuping louis to his chest. "you dumb kitten. what on earth were you thinking.."

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