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louis lounges on the rooftop balcony of his home, watching harry's tv with wide eyes as he usually does when he's bored. harry always makes sure to leave the tv on when he leaves, because otherwise, louis will feel lonely and probably make a huge mess. 

the news is on right now. he doesn't really like the news because usually it's serious or just boring, but sometimes he'll see people or places he remembers and that always excites him. 

currently, the lady reporter is on right now, standing at an intersection and talking quickly. behind her, there's an ambulance and a bunch of police officers. an accident, maybe? his ears perk up as he tries to focus on what she's saying.

"police say the driver got distracted and didn't notice the cyclist in front of him till it was too late. the cyclist has been identified as harry styles, the driver's name is being withheld till we're able to get more information. styles is being taken to the hospital as we speak. he's expected to make a full recovery. more will be available on our website later on."

louis' eyes are as wide as saucers. harry styles? that's his harry. his harry, there. being taken into an ambulance. 

he immediately jumps up, knowing he has to go see him. help him? something, anything! his harry is hurt and he needs him!

he runs as fast as he can, down the stairs of his little house. he throws the front door open and runs into harry's kitchen, going for the front door.

however, he stops when he hears shuffling. no one else but him should be here. 

he slowly tiptoes to the counter, ears perked up, listening for any noises. and there the shuffling is again, under the sink? weird.

he struggles to open the cabinet under the sink, his heart beating fast. suddenly, a huge mouse jumps out, squeaking. 

louis screeches, running over to a box that's sitting on the floor, scrambling up on top of it. that thing is almost as big as he is, and it could probably eat him if it wanted to! he's scared to death!

but yet, the kitty in him is telling him to fight it! he needs to leave! he has to go save harry!

so of course, he hops off the box. directly on top of the mouse. 

he growls and hisses at it while it runs around like crazy, but he's holding onto it like he's riding a bull. he doesn't wanna kill it or anything, but hey! it needs to leave! it'll eat all his food and mess up his house! there's only room for one small friend in this place!

he just sits on the chubby mouse, practically riding it for a while, till he falls off when he hears the door open. that can't be harry, right? so he has to hide! 

he ducks behind the box, trying to breathe quietly and stay calm.


oh! he knows that voice! that's harry's friend liam! the one with the beef jerky!

"hey, lou, um, harry's in the hospital right now. he's got a bit of a boo-boo, so i came by to grab you. he just woke up, and the first thing he wanted was you." he hears liam open his house. "uh, wherever you are?"

that stupid mouse squeaks, and louis immediately runs after it, his instincts taking over again. he tackles it, and it drags him into the living room. the next thing louis hears is liam squealing like crazy. "louis! w-what!" 

louis lets go of the mouse, shaking his head. "need a mouse trap," he complains, crawling up liam's pantleg and into his hand. "take louis to harry!"

"r-right.. i'll buy some mouse traps when i get the chance.." 


harry almost breaks down into tears when he sees louis, after liam managed to sneak him into the room. 

"hey, lou!" he hugs him to his face, kissing his tiny cheek. "liam told me you got into a scuffle with a mouse..?"

louis nuzzles against harry's face, purring softly. "yeah! was an ugly mouse under the sink! had to fight it!"

harry giggles a bit, gently petting his head with a finger. "oh, why thank you! very brave of you." he smiles gently. "i should be home really soon.. but till then, liam's gonna stay with you, okay?"

louis pouts. "aww. okay." harry just giggles again. "you'll be fine, kitty." he hums, passing him back over to liam. "take good care of him! don't let him boss you around too much."

liam nods. "get some rest, hazza."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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