chapter 1

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"Ana, will you calm down! It was a mistake!" My dad yelled back.

"Louis Tomlinson though, dad! From One Direction! How did you somehow forget to mention that you're his father!"

Yep, my douchebag excuse for a dad just confessed that he had a one night stand with Johannah about 22 years ago and is really Louis’ father.

"Are you even sure? Like he can’t really be yours, dad." I said, 99% sure that Louis couldn’t possibly be my half brother. Although, deep down, I secretly hoped that this crazy possibility was true.

 "I just got a call from Johannah saying that Louis wanted to know the truth about his father and she told him, so now i’m telling you. Anyway, I mean you like One Direction right?" He said, as if this was no big deal.

"Fine. Give me Louis’ number then."

“Why would I give you that?”

“Well it would be nice if I could get to know my older brother.”

 "Okay." and with that I added my brother’s number into my phone

When I got back home to the house I lived at with my mom, stepdad, stepbrother, and little brother I filled my mom in on everything my dad said.

 "Sweetheart, I know you really want this to be true, I mean you love Louis, but your father has a way of…confusing things and…um…" my mom started, but then trailed off.

 "He gave me Lou’s number." I said, pointing at my phone.

 "Then call." She said, matter-of-factly.

 Honestly, I was very nervous to call this number, whether or not it was Louis Tomlinson, and especially since I was standing in front of my mom and stepdad, Monroe. I dialed the number anyway. After being sent to voicemail, I panicked a little.

 "Uh…Louis? I don’t know if this is you, but um. My dad is Jeffrey Pope and um. We’re siblings..?" I giggled nervously a little. "Can you um call me back? Okay…bye." I said and quickly hung up. A little more than 15 seconds later my  phone rang and it was the number I had for Louis.

 I ran out of the room, not really wanting anyone to hear this conversation, and walked up the stairs into my room, where I closed the door and answered the phone.

 "Hello?" The familiar Doncaster accented voice said.

"Louis?!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

“Yea, um who exactly is this?” He said back.

“Oh I’m Ana. I'm sorry I thought my dad would've said something”

 "Oh, my sister. So I’m sorry Ana I don’t really know what to say. Im just so shocked that I have another sister." Louis said apologetically.

“You actually have a little brother too…” I said.

 "Oh that’s even….man this is crazy." He said, his voice cracking, and I felt like mine was soon to do the same.

 "Yeah his name is Peter."

“So how old is he? And you too, Ana.” He asked.

“He’s 11, I’m 18.”

 "Oh, are you going to uni?"

“Actually, I’m going to University of London.” I could actually hear him smile through the phone when I said that.

 "I have an idea! I'ts kinda crazy and rushed but it's an idea!" He exclaimed. I couldn’t help but laugh at his excitement, although my eyes were tearing.

“What idea is that?” I asked.

“Would you like to fly out here tomorrow and my girlfriend and I can help you find an apartment and get accustomed to this city?” He offered.

 As much as I really wanted to, I mean Eleanor and Louis showing me around London? My brother, Louis Tomlinson, it just all seemed too good to be true. My plans weren’t to leave for London until next month, though. Plus, I omly found out about about all this an hour ago. This new wave of infomation was crazy, and almost nauseating. You know what, screw this.

 "Yea sure, what time should I fly in?" I asked happily.

“I’ll be home all day, just let me know what time so I can pick you up. Oh, and can you send me a picture of you so I can actually see what you look like?”

“Just look at my twitter @Anamaypope. Ana with one “n”

“Okay love, bye.” He said and hung up.

I had a feeling my life would never be the same. By this time tomorrow I would be my famous brother, his fabulous girlfriend, and his bandmates. 

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