chapter 5

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"No you were not!" Perrie yells.

"Perrie, I swear I was!" I respond.

Perrie and I are talking on the couch in my new apartment, while Zayn, Louis, Eleanor, Liam, and Sophia are in the surrounding space. Niall and Harry have failed to show, which is surprising because Harry seems pretty consistent, and he did say he was going to come today.

"I can't picture you as a blonde." Zayn chirps into the conversation Perrie and I are having.

"I was like Perrie's hair color." We all have had a few drinks, thanks to the few bottles of liquor that Liam brought. I'm still not accustomed to this whole no drinking age thing.

"That's crazy!" Perrie exclaims.

I really do like Perrie. I've come to see that all of the girls One Direction are dating are really nice girls. Well besides Sophia, but amongst the rest of the girls, we know she won't be around for that long. I guess it's weird to consider myself a "One Direction girl" since that's a term meant for the girlfriends but I guess since i'm becoming a constant amongst them, it's okay. I really do need to talk to Louis about meeting his other sisters. At least Lottie and Fizzie I guess.

I'm brought out of my train of thought by a knock at the door.

"I got it." I say, a little too loud and head to the door. As I open it, I see the look on Niall's face and know that he didn't listen to my text last night.

"Sorry we're late, Horan has a killer hangover and didn't want to drive." Harry explains and invites himself in.

"Are you going to never talk to me again?" Niall asks, recalling the text.

"At least you can read." I say, and point to the dark sunglasses he's wearing.

He shakes his head and walks over to the couch and plops down roughly.

"You guys want more drinks?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"NO!" Niall shouts and I laugh.

"The question doesn't apply to you." I say back and chuckle.

"Yea, beer?" Liam says.

As I pull out a beer from the chiller in the fridge, I see a pair of boots peeking out from under the open door of the fridge.

"Hey Harry" I say and sigh.

I'm not really in the mood for his little games at the moment.

"Why so...angsty?" He says, his accent thickening at the word.

"Sorry." I murmur and walk to the living room to give Liam his beer.

Liam thanks me when I hand him the bottle and Sophia nuzzles up against him. Sitting next to them, are Louis and Eleanor, cuddling, and next them are Zayn and Perrie, looking through pictures on Zayn's phone. They're all so in love, and I can't wait until I have that with someone.

"Eh-hem." Someone clears their throat behind me.

I turn around to see Harry with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I snap, almost a little annoyed with how he handles himself.

"Look." He says and points to where Niall is laying, asleep, on my chaise.

I laugh and make eye contact with Harry. Awkward eye contact, but eye contact. I was never good with eye contact, according to my therapist "it frightens me".

"Care to show me around?" He asks, but it sounds more like a demand.

I nod and grab his hand, not realizing it until our fingers are interlocked and I blush a little. Maybe I shouldn't have drunken as much I did. My apartment isn't that big so I tell him how he already saw the kitchen and living room, then show him the fairly small bathroom, and my pretty vast bedroom. He immediately walks over to my bed, unlatching our palms, and examines it. I watch him intently as he presses a hand down on the mattress and nods.

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