chapter 6

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"So who goes first?" I ask, Harry is most likely going to take advantage of my willingness, so i'm going to have to lie my way through it.

"Uh uh, we have to make it interesting."

Now i'm really scared.

"Hold on." he smirks and walks towards the kitchen. Why Ana why.

While I hear him fumble around, I take a seat on the floor next to the coffee table and examine the carving on the wood. He re-enters the room while my finger is tracing the design, this time his hands full of beer.

"So..." I say, clearly puzzled by his actions.

"Every time one of us doesn't want to do a truth or dare we were given, we chug a bottle." He says and carefully sits each bottle down on the coffee table.

"Chug a bottle? What happened to sipping?" I say, recalling every single party I've ever been to.

"Eh, that'll get us nowhere but tipsy." He says and sits down in front of me, crossing his legs, and i'm slightly shocked that his super-tight jeans don't split.

"Well okay then." I mumble in defeat.

"So truth or dare?" Her asks.

"Truth." I say, not having enough 'liquid' courage yet.

"Are you a virgin?" He asks, while looking me dead in the eyes.

"Nope." I say and answer truthfully. "Truth or dare Styles?"

"Fine, truth."

"Your first time, drunk or sober?" I say, feeling proud of my embarrassing question.

"Don't go running to tmz, but drunk. She was my girlfriend though." He says, not seeming at all flustered.

"I didn't ask for your life story."

"Yea, because you already know it all. Truth again?"


"Did you bleed your first time?" He tilts his head a bit.

I purse my lips tightly and chug the remainder of the beer bottle.

"I think we're done with virginity questions." I finally say. He nods his head lightly.
"Truth or dare?" I ask him, hoping things will go my way. "Dare." He says all too cocky.

"Flash out the window."

"What?" He says, seeming genuinely confused.

"Get naked, and flash out my window." I have to hold back laughter due to the shocked expression he's wearing.

"That's so just an excuse to see me naked." Stop trying to divert Harry.

"Will you stop being a bitch and do it?"

"You're a funny drunk."

"Godammit, i'm not even drunk. Will you just do the stupid dare." Although, this is my 4th beer, i'm getting a little twisted.

He laughs and chugs his beer within a minute. "This is stupid." I say.

It really is stupid.

"Okay so dare?" He asks and smiles.

"Why would you even assume that-"

"Alright kiss me." He cuts me off and leaves me schocked. I quickly regain composure and retaliate.

"Stop trying to get me drunk."

"You already are, plus I only wanted a kiss."

"Which you know I will refuse, and have take a drink."

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